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Important Question’s to Ask Before Accepting a Job Abroad

Receiving an offer to work overseas is a wonderful opportunity to broaden your horizon, climb up a notch on the career ladder, earn a higher income, and enjoy more perks.

With this in mind, you will probably jump at the chance for moving to UAE when your current employer or a new one asks you to work in this country. However, before you say yes or sign any contract, you have to iron out the details of your new role first.

This is because even if the opportunity is too great to pass up, relocating to another country is never an easy task. You have to consider different crucial factors before deciding whether to make a move or not.

What to Ask Your Employer Before Saying Yes to an Overseas Job Offer

If you have been offered a job abroad, being afraid or embarrassed to ask your employer critical questions before accepting it is not an option. When you fail to get key information regarding your move, you may end up being unprepared for the whole process.

Moreover, you might be in for plenty of unpleasant surprises and regret your decision to work in a different country.

If you want to be sure you are making the right choice to work abroad, ask your employer these important questions and take note of their answers as you ponder your decision:

1. What is my new job title and description?

If you are hesitant about your overseas international relocation from the start, knowing all the details about your new job may help put your mind at ease and get you excited about this possible new chapter in your life.

Whether you have an offer from your current employer or a different one, you have to know the exact role and responsibilities you will handle, which is why you should ask immediately what your job title and description are.

Additionally, ask questions related to your job, such as who you will report to, how many people you will manage, and how your performance will be evaluated.

When you get more information about your new job, you will have a clearer picture of your role. Moreover, you will be able to know if the position is right for you and if you are capable of stepping into it.

2. What are the Details of my compensation package?

Another factor that can help you make the right decision and get excited about a possible move overseas is the salary and other perks you can expect to receive.

If the assignment is in a country with a high cost of living, make sure the salary you will get can support your current lifestyle or allow you to live comfortably.

However, even if you are presented with an impressive amount, don’t forget to factor in the cost of living, taxes, and other additional expenses before signing the contract.

Compute your total monthly expenses and the amount you will be left with to find out if you have enough to sustain your other needs and start saving money for your future plans.

If you think you won’t be able to live comfortably with the offered salary, don’t hesitate to renegotiate with your recruiter or boss.

Also, don’t forget to ask if you are covered by a healthcare or medical plan. Get the details about the company’s bonus, paid leave, and holiday policies as well.

3. What kind of company culture can i expect?

Loneliness is something you have to deal with when you move to a country alone, or a place where you don’t know anyone.

In such a situation, you can reduce your homesickness and avoid getting depressed if you fit in with the company culture.

Ask your employer or recruitment personnel what type of company culture you can expect. Do they have the right balance of work and play? Do they encourage teamwork and collaboration?

Also, find out what activities you can expect. Does the company have sports teams? How often do they sponsor team-building events? Do they have mentorship or coaching programmes?

4. Will you provide housing and relocation assistance?

Relocating overseas is no simple matter. There are plenty of things you have to do to prepare before and after your move.

One of the most challenging and expensive parts of moving abroad is finding accommodation. You can avoid worrying about this and experience a smoother transition if your employer can provide housing, even if it is only temporary.

It would be better, of course, if free housing is included in your contract.

Additionally, find out if you can get help with the whole moving process, from packing to shipping. Your employer may hire one of the trusted relocation companies in Mumbai to assist you so that you won’t have to go through the back-bending and stressful planning and preparation stage alone.

5. How can you help me adjust to my new home?

Moving to a different country and starting a new job can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. Culture shock and homesickness are two of the issues you will experience once you are overseas.

You will have difficulty overcoming these issues if you don’t know anyone in your new home.

Ask your employer what kind of assistance they can give you so that you can experience a smooth transition. Find out if they provide language cultural destination services so that you know what to expect when you arrive at your destination.

Find out from your employer if you can talk to another employee who also went through an international relocation. You can ask them for tips on how to prepare for your move and acclimate to your new home faster.

Asking these questions can help you make the right decision to work abroad or not. Moreover, you will have a less stressful time navigating the whole relocation process.

Read more useful articles about international relocations on our Blog page.

Hears How to Support Families on Global Assignments
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Hears How to Support Families on Global Assignments

Most relocation packages focus on giving employees higher salaries, bigger allowances, and other monetary perks designed to get employees interested to move to and work in another country.

Although these elements will definitely pique the interest of most employees, many of them still have other matters to think about, particularly if they have families.

Employees who are offered the chance to relocate abroad will go through the stressful and emotionally laden experience of uprooting their family, leaving behind their loved ones, and moving to a new country.

With this in mind, employees with families given a chance to take up a position overseas may need more than just financial assistance.

Giving Expat Families a Lending Hand

If you have employees moving abroad, a provider of relocation services in Singapore shares below six steps you can take to help their families make a smooth transition:

1. Include your employee’s family in key discussions.

The needs of an employed family man differ from those of a single employee.

Consequently, the needs of one family can vary from those of another.

If you want to be more proactive in supporting your employees’ families during an overseas international relocation, you must consider the members’ specific concerns and needs.

It is, therefore, crucial to know about the needs of your employee’s family. Take the time to schedule at least one meeting with them to find out their concerns and expectations.

Use the information you get to customise your relocation package, moving timeline, and services you want to provide to the employee’s family.

2. Double-check your relocation package.

Sufficient financial support is crucial in ensuring your employees’ and their families’ smooth transition.

If you already have a relocation package, you need to review it to ensure it can also support some of the crucial needs of your employee’s spouse or family based on your discussions.

For instance, if visa processing for the employee’s family is not included in the relocation package, find out if your company can cover it. Also, check if you can provide financial assistance to help the spouse look for a new job.

Additionally, find out if you can include educational support for the children. If this is not feasible, figure out which fees you can cover in the short term.

Extending financial support to your employee’s family can make the entire relocation process less stressful and more pleasant for them.

3. Create a moving timetable that works for the family.

A moving schedule can help individual and group relocations go smoothly and become less chaotic. As such, help your employee and their family to create one.

Work with your employee and their family to create a moving timeline that they can follow.

Ideally, everyone should start planning at least six months before their target departure.

This timetable should cover all processes involved in an international move, including sorting their belongings, packing, cancelling utility services, and obtaining all documents from their children’s schools to formalise the transfer.

Make sure you work with your employee and their family to create realistic timelines they can stick with.

Also, consider providing additional assistance to ensure your employee and their families follow the timetable. Offer to help with packing or enlist the services of relocation companies in Mumbai that can take care of this process.

4. Have the employees join the pre-departure training.

If you only provide pre-departure training to your employees, it’s time to change this strategy and include their families in this vital part of the pre-move process.

To ensure families benefit from this program, include the following topics:

  • Area orientation
  • Information and tips on living in their new environment
  • Selecting schools for children
  • Managing culture shock
  • Tips for socialising in a foreign setting
  • Career opportunities for the employee’s spouse

During the orientation, encourage the participants to ask questions and voice their concerns so that an expert can address them properly.

The best expatriate programs extend their pre-departure orientation to the employees’ families. Because of this, expand the scope of this service.

5. Help families look for a good school for the children.

The unhampered education of their children is the top concern of families when they move abroad.

When parents are not sure they can find a good school for their children, they will have a major issue to worry about, and a massive hurdle to overcome.

Regardless of which stage of the move your employee and their family are in, provide school search service for their children. Look for ones near their home if they already have one.

Also, provide your employee with as much information as possible about the schools to help them make the right decision.

6. Provide healthcare assistance to families.

To ensure everyone relocating is in good health, offer a medical assessment for the international staff and their families before their departure, and also annually throughout their assignment.

Doing so ensures any medical issues are identified quickly and can be managed or prevented from worsening.

Also, ensure your employee and their family have access to healthcare in their new home. They should have comprehensive coverage so that they won’t have to worry about anything when they need medical assistance.

Although an international assignment holds plenty of promises to an employee, it can be full of challenges, too. Follow these steps and you can help your staff and their family experience a stress-free and successful move to any country.

Get more tips for a successful international relocation on our Blog page.

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8 Questions To Ask When Looking For The Best Commercial Packers And Movers

All businesses change over time. Sometimes, the transformation compels you to move your commercial premises to another location.

There are many reasons why you’d choose to move your business

  • Your business is expanding
  • Your lease is expiring
  • You have found business opportunities at a new location
  • You are planning an employee relocation or to relocate office equipment, plant and machinery at your headquarters, or branches, in a new city.
  • You have decided to consolidate your offices from a cluster to an integrated new premise.

Commercial moves are a worrisome process. You are anxious about it. You can, however, reduce your anxiety if you pre-plan your move with a commercial relocation expert.

Here is 8-point checklist you could use to evaluate your commercial packers and movers.

1Check the Moving Service Provider’s Credentials

You need to ask some serious questions to your moving service provider. after all, you’re trusting expensive machinery to him.

  • How many years have you been in the moving business?
  • How many commercial relocations have you executed?
  • Do you have references and testimonials from customers to support your claims?
  • Is your moving company accredited? To which associations and for how long?
  • What is the process for moving that you employ? Describe it in detail.
  • What packing materials do you use?

The movers with a richer experience can make your move comfortable. You can count on Writer Relocations for the gold standard experience in Commercial Moving.

2. Check who is executing the shift.

You need to familiarize with people working on your move. Do you engage with trained employees who are courteous and knowledgeable? This enables them to carry the task correctly. Ask your movers whether the people hired by them for your move are on their regular rolls, or on contract? Contract employees are not obliged to provide you with a pleasant moving experience.

3. Check if insurance is covered as part of the move.

Insurance cover takes care of unexpected accidents. Hiring an insured commercial moving company ensures the safety of your goods.

  • Ask for the kind of insurance cover they provide. Is it associated only with the pieces of office equipment, or does it cover moving people too?
  • Find out about the company’s insurance policy regarding lost or damaged items. What does a claim process entail?
  • Are there any local laws that you need to be aware of for compliance? Find out.

4. Check how the quote is structured.

Arrange for a visit by your relocating company to the site. Ask them for a quotation, after they assess the merchandise, equipment, and cargo to be transported. Demand a binding quote. This is the legal document stating the final cost of the move. A binding quote protects you from additional charges that are discovered along the move.

5. Check how the belongings are packed.

Evaluate the packing process used in your move. Top commercial movers use high-quality plastic moving cartons or quick-set boxes. Keep a check on the quality of the packing material. This ensures the safety of your goods in transit.

6. Check the vehicles used for transport of your cargo.

Check the availability of transport vehicles. Ask questions. How will the service provider move cargo from the origin site? What equipment and vehicles will they use for the move? A quality transport company opts for air-ride suspension moving vans with mounted hydraulic lift gates, rather than trailers.

7. Check how furniture, office equipment, plant, and machinery will be reinstalled?

Include reinstallation service into your deal. Ensure that a trained installer carries out the specific installations of your office furniture or plant & machinery. Additional services must be included in the contract itself. For eg: If the existing furniture at the new site needs to be uninstalled alert the moving company about the task before hand.

8. Check who will supervise the move.

Commercial moves need domain know-how, planning, and precise execution, in order to meet budgets and timelines. You don’t want your downtime to be more than your cost, do you?

If the commercial moving company has assigned the task to the well-equipped project manager, along with the group of supervisors, then your move would be smooth. Follow the 8 tips we have put together to make your commercial move smooth and stress-free.

Choose Writer Relocations for stress-free Commercial Moves.
For 63 years, Writer Relocations has been helping all types of businesses move safely and without stress.That simply means that with our move planning, specialty moving services, and packing acumen, you are assured fuss-free moves.

You deserve the experience and expertise of Commercial Move Advisors at Writer Relocations. Why would you think of settling for less?

Speak to a Commercial Move Expert from Writer Relocations today.

Do add your insights and experience in commercial moving below.

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Combat Culture Shock & Adjust to Your New Locality

Even though most countries are multi-cultural today, culture shock is a real phenomenon. People in different places tend to have different languages, beliefs, eating habits, taste in music, tradition, customs, and values.

Every country has its own culture. You may experience a contemporary culture in the US and a much conservative culture in China.

Once you move to a foreign land you are subjected to unfamiliarity around you. Things are no more what they used to be back home. It can be bewildering to do simple things.

This situation when you are disoriented and trying to adapt to a new environment is when you will experience culture shock!

What is Culture Shock?

After an overseas international relocation, you may often feel disoriented, vulnerable and anxious in unfamiliar surroundings. You may also get frustrated as the social norms you were used to are no more relevant. This struggle to adapt to a new environment is called a culture shock.

How can you overcome it?

Learn about the new place.

Try to quickly read up about the new place you shifted to online on blogs, magazines, newspapers and books etc. You can start to adapt to the new place this way.

Get familiar with your neighborhood

Once you unpack, start exploring nearby areas, Look for places where you can spend your evenings meeting new people. Interact with them, this will expose you to the local community. Through locals, you can know more about the place such as history, festivals, events etc.

Also, look for places where you can buy daily household goods, where you can have breakfast, do your laundry, take a haircut etc. this will help you settle in.

Learn the local language

Perhaps the most important thing to do when you relocate is to learn the local language and its accent. Get a translation book. Learn the basic phrases eg. Learn how to ask directions, communicate with street vendors, ask for help etc. Doing this will help you come closer to the locals even become friends with them.

Make your space at home like the one before

Decorate and furnish your home in such a way that it reminds you of your older place. Light up your place that way. If you’re into reading, then have a book shelf built the same way as you did. All these things will make you less homesick.

Push yourself to make new friends

If you have local friends, then nothing like it. You should try to see the place through their eyes. They can also easily answer all the questions you have about their culture and might share some more insights too.

Engage in a routine

Spend your time doing something productive. Make it a routine. Take a course or join a club. Go swimming, play tennis or join music or art class. This is again a great way to meet new people with common interests and make friends.

Join a Club

This is a great way to find people of the same interest. Once you join the club a meetup can be easily be arranged where like-minded people can engage and get along with each other. You’ll find all sorts of clubs like a book club, trekking club, etc. Look out for meetups in and near your city.

Join the expat community

This is probably the first thing an expat should do to reunite with others who are going through or have gone through a similar situation. Although, meeting people from the same country may go against you embracing the new culture. But, if you’re really frustrated with this major change, then you should go ahead meeting them.

These are a few ways to overcome culture shock.

Choose Writer Relocations for stress-free Orientation Services. 
For 63 years, Writer Relocations has been helping all types of businesses move safely and without stress.That simply means that with our move planning, specialty moving services, and packing acumen, you are assured fuss-free moves.

You deserve the experience and expertise of Move Advisors for Area Orientation Services at Writer Relocations. Why would you think of settling for less?

Speak to a Pre-move Orientation Services Expert from Writer Relocations today.

If you have your own experiences in dealing with culture shock, do let us know in the comments section below.

Relocating During Peak Moving Season? 5 Key Tips Businesses Need to Keep in Mind
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Tips For Office Relocation Services for a Smooth Business Transition

Relocating an office is probably more complicated than moving homes. There are many things to consider to ensure a successful move, including office furnishings, supplies, and even the employees that must be organised and settled.

Whether your business is moving across the region or abroad, a poorly managed office move can be a huge headache, not just for you, but also your employees and even your clients. This is especially true if you choose to do office relocations during peak season.

To ensure a successful business relocation during peak season, here are five tips you must remember.

1. Start planning your relocation early

Time is a critical factor when moving your business during peak season, so you must act early. Advanced planning can eliminate the unnecessary hassle and help streamline logistics.

If you put off attending things, even the tiniest details, until the last minute, you may end up running out of time for organising the move, or paying more for removal companies.

But if you have a detailed relocation plan outlining how and when each task must be performed, and how much every aspect of the move will cost, you can significantly save money and time. Most importantly, it will ensure a smooth office move.

Give yourself three to six months to put together a clear and concise relocation plan. Evaluate the things that should be moved and decide on the items that can be securely eliminated and donated. Though some establishments can accept used office furniture, you can’t assume they can coordinate rush pick-ups to suit your moving schedule. The same is true when securing the disposal of electronic devices.

2. Find a removal company and book a date ASAP

Relocating your office during the peak moving season means movers are in demand. Make sure to choose a reliable mover and pick a moving date that works best for you.

Getting an office removal company on board early will also ensure that there will be no hidden or extra costs to pay. For instance, you may pay more if the movers charge extra for packing and moving delicate office equipment. Though it might be worth paying extra to ensure the safety of the item, you still need to factor these things into your cost assessment so you can include them in your budget.

Do not risk working with mediocre removal companies. Instead, prioritise finding the best and schedule your move date early.

3. Take inventory of all items

Taking inventory is a must when relocating. You need to include all the equipment and supplies you have on your business premises. Compile all files and papers you will need in the future and make a list of those as well. You don’t want to lose anything relevant, so create a detailed list and take this seriously.

Having a list of all equipment, documents and supplies will also guide the relocation company in providing you with a reliable quote. More importantly, it will help ensure that nothing will get lost or damaged during transit.

4. Delegate moving tasks

An office relocation is not a solo endeavour, but rather an entire company’s affair. Assign tasks to employees or teams. For instance, ask a number of your workers to complete the inventory while the others purchase packing materials or other items you need for your move.

As for tasks that need proficiency, delegate them to competent workers. For instance, let the IT department deal with tech-related matters, and those in the administrative sector can prepare all the necessary documentation.

Delegating jobs will reduce your workload and guarantee an organised move. It will also ease employee tension because they are involved in the relocation process and know firsthand what is taking place.

Make sure to be clear and loud about everyone’s tasks, including the deadlines. As you assign tasks, it would also be great to get input from your employees regarding the changes they want for their new space, and make an effort to acknowledge staff needs in planning and designing your new business location.

5. Be mindful of essential documents and deadlines

Generally, vendors will require different documents and set varying timelines. Make sure to keep a list of each one’s specific requirements because failing to meet the deadline or missing paperwork can hold up timelines and relocation services.

Moreover, most key actions can only be taken after completing preparatory steps, so make sure that everyone adheres to the expected timeline milestones to keep the office move running smoothly.

Moving a business, regardless of whether it is a small or large one, is not easy since it involves handling numerous supplies, bulky and fragile equipment, and essential documentation. But if you plan well and aim to include your employees throughout the relocation process, you’ll be back in business in no time.

At Writer Relocations, we can minimise the stress by tackling your move because it is our area of expertise. Our experienced packers and movers can relocate your business, supplies, equipment, and people hassle-free. From planning the office shifting process to managing the office move, you can trust us. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our high-quality corporate relocation services.

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7 Essential Questions to Ask Moving Companies Before Hiring

Relocation is an enormous step that requires thorough planning and preparation. As such, you need to make sure that you only rely on the best help available for the task.

To do that, you must get to know the relocation companies in India you’re looking to hire better through interviews.

Before sorting out the finer points of your move, you must first determine the right questions to ask the candidates. To make things easier, we have compiled seven essential questions that will help show you their qualifications and compatibility with your relocation needs.

1. How long have you been in the relocation business?

This question helps you determine the history of the moving company you’re planning to hire. It will give you a feel of the quality of service you can expect from them. After all, no bad mover can last up to 100 years in the industry if they are not good.

Take note that a long history in the business still is no service quality guarantee. However, the length of their experience in the job allows you to gauge their level of expertise and, therefore, get closer to a decision on whether they are a good fit for you.

2. Do you have past customer references?

Besides their own recorded history, you should also dig deeper into the movers’ customer reviews. Look for comments about their services, both good and bad.

You can find client testimonials on their website or ask them to give you some references personally. Be critical in investigating by adding third-party platforms, social media, and online searches as your sources for the reviews.

Practising due diligence in determining a mover’s track record helps you avoid scams and boost your own peace of mind.

3. What type of coverage can you offer?

When you hire people to move all your belongings, you entrust them with some of your most valuable possessions. Because of this, it’s only fitting that you get some sort of insurance that they are in good hands. This is where moving coverage becomes handy.

Moving coverage is an insurance that covers the cost of your items. Basically, the value you declared would be reimbursed to you should any of the covered items get lost or damaged while in transit.

All reputable movers provide basic liability coverage for their clients, be it a domestic or overseas international relocation.However, some offer more comprehensive protection than others, so you must check the extent of what each candidate can offer.

4. What services do you provide?

Now that you’ve determined how well they do the job, it is time to check whether they offer the same services you need for your move.

Besides transporting your things from point A to point B, you may also require assistance with:

  • Packing and unpacking
  • Loading and unloading
  • Furniture assembly or disassembly
  • Secure storage

For international relocation, look for a service provider that offers custom clearance services, vehicle shipping, temporary accommodation, language cultural destination services.

Note that different professional moving companies offer varying services, so be sure to list down what you need first and use that as a guide when going over all the candidates.

To start, check out the relocation services we offer here at Writer Relocations.

5. Are your estimates binding?

Estimates serve as your guide on how much money you need to pay the movers. However, some moving companies may give you a very low estimated price to entice you to go with their offer, only to charge more than what you’re prepared to pay on moving day.

If you choose a company that increases their rates when it’s already too late to turn back, they will leave you with no other option.

To keep this from happening, always verify whether the estimates you get are binding. This way, you’ll be sure that the price – no matter how low – remains the same from the estimate to the final bill.

Remember: Binding estimates keep the rates stable so long as the move goes as planned. Of course, it would be a different scenario in cases of last-minute additions to your inventory.

Moreover, some trustworthy relocation service providers do not provide binding estimates but remain true to their promises. You just need to be critical and weigh all your options before deciding.

6. How do you compute your moving prices?

Moving service rate calculations usually depend on various factors, including:

  • The weight of the shipment
  • The distance between the origin and destination
  • Seasonality of the service
  • Basic hourly labour rates in the country

Some providers also charge extra for fuel and specialised services, like art relocation, transporting pets, and assembling or disassembling furniture.

By knowing how a moving company computes their estimates, you can adjust your budget or belongings to be moved accordingly. Just remember to monitor the services you acquire and their promised rates to ensure that you don’t pay more than you should.

7. How do you handle damages and losses?

Besides moving coverage, you also need to know what a moving company does in case of damage or loss.

Do you get reimbursed for the total value of the items immediately? How many complaints are there in their customer reviews regarding failed reimbursements?

Before you even get to the point when you need to apply for reimbursement, you must ensure that you fully understand the claims process to avoid hassles. Ask the movers how they handle such situations or look for them in client reviews and testimonials.

With this, you should be able to dig into whether there are any extra fees involved or if the claiming process is much more troublesome than it’s worth.

Get the Right Answers

Whatever service you are seeking, asking the right questions will get you the answers you’re looking for to make an informed choice. The same goes for moving companies.

Talk to us about your upcoming relocation.

We’re happy to answer all your queries and show you that a reliable and trustworthy moving company is just a message away.

Coming Home to Happiness: The 5 Best Countries to Live and Work In
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Coming Home to Happiness: The 5 Best Countries to Live and Work In

Today’s quick access to information makes it possible for people to discover and learn more about foreign countries and cultures. It is now easier to know the best country to go to if you want to experience living in another place or seek greener pastures or both.

Whatever your reason is, if you’re considering a move, research is key to ensure you choose the ideal country to go to.

Your destination should allow you to work in the industry you want. It also pays to know beforehand the living costs you can expect and how far your money will go in your possible new home.

Lastly, you also have to ensure that you’ll have access to good-quality services and facilities, including healthcare, education, and transportation, so you are assured you’ll have everything you need to have a pleasant and safe lifestyle in your new home.

As the leading destination services provider and international moving company, we recommend prioritising these factors so that you can find the best country where you can have a better life and experience success in your career.

Most Recommended Destinations for Expats to Live and Work In

Based on our research, we have compiled below a list of the five best countries to live and work in:

1. Canada

The second largest country in the world has always been a popular destination for expats, particularly those with families, looking for a more comfortable life and better career opportunities.

Canada provides free universal healthcare, which is one of the best and most inclusive in the world, to all permanent residents and dependents.

For years, Canada has been one of the top countries to receive a state education. Public secondary education is also free for all permanent residents and their families.

Most people living here are also happy with their work-life balance. There are sufficient career opportunities that can help fuel your professional growth and advancement.

Canada is one of the most liberal and progressive nations. Because of this, it is an excellent place to live in regardless of your background.

The cost of living in Canada is also fairly reasonable, with certain cities having lower rates than others.

Lastly, the country is one of the greenest worldwide and has low levels of air pollution. There is a high degree of public safety here as well.

These factors make Canada one of the best places to move to and live in.

2. Germany

Constantly on the top ten list of countries with the highest gross domestic product or GDP, Germany is the ideal destination for professionals who want to work abroad.

The country is one of the biggest business and commercial hubs in Europe, meaning there are plenty of employment opportunities for both locals and expats.

Germany also has an enriching and welcoming culture and incomparable work-life balance, with employees working around 27 hours every week on average.

Working and living in Germany also means you’ll have access to first-rate healthcare and substantial paid leaves.

The cost of living in Germany can be higher than what you’re used to. However, you will find that prices are more reasonable here than in many other European nations.

If you want to work and live in a country that offers the perfect balance of innovation and tradition, Germany is your best option.

3. Norway

In 2017, Norway was ranked as the happiest country in the world. Although it hasn’t taken back this title, it is still always in Condé Nast’s top 10 list every year.

Because of this reason, putting Norway on your list of destinations is a great idea.

The country’s healthcare system is undoubtedly one of the best in the world, which is why it ranks high in long life expectancy worldwide. Education at all levels is also highly competitive here.

Norway also stands out as one of the countries with low income inequality. Although the cost of living here may be a bit higher, you can expect a good quality of life regardless of what you’re earning.

At present, Norway is working towards expanding hydropower, digital services, and tourism, which means foreign expertise is constantly in demand.

Norway is also progressive and welcoming of foreigners, which means you can expect a safe, comfortable, and quiet life here.

4. Switzerland

The alpine country of Switzerland offers a high standard of living coupled with exciting employment packages and a high standard of living.

On average, unemployment here is low, making it one of the ideal destinations for expats.

Like the other European countries on this list, the cost of living here may be higher than you might expect. However, the high average income ensures you can live comfortably here on your earnings.

Switzerland also upholds the best standards in healthcare, which is crucial for your wellness and overall feeling of safety and security in a foreign country.

The country is also competitive in terms of the quality of education at all levels.

Switzerland is also one of the most beautiful countries in the world, replete with stunning lakes, mountains, and other natural attractions. It is a great place for nature-lovers to live in.

5. United Arab Emirates

The UAE has always been a favourite destination for people from different parts of the world seeking greener pastures.

But aside from the high income and ideal work-life balance, this country is full of employment opportunities that you will likely get a job you like and experience career advancement throughout your stay here.

The UAE is also known for its openness to diverse cultures and views, making it the ideal place for expats looking for a new home overseas.

The cost of living in the UAE is reasonable and you can live comfortably here on your income. It also provides good working environments, suitable accommodations, and different options for raising children.

As a well-established relocation company in Dubai, we can attest to the fact that these reasons make the UAE a popular destination for expats from different parts of the world.

We hope that with this list, you can narrow down your options for countries to move to.

You can also get in touch with our team if you need advice or more information to decide where you can live and work abroad.

Relocating During Peak Moving Season - 5 Key Tips Businesses Need to Keep in Mind
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Relocating During Peak Moving Season? 5 Key Tips Businesses Need to Keep in Mind

Relocating an office is probably more complicated than moving homes. There are many things to consider to ensure a successful move, including office furnishings, supplies, and even the employees that must be organised and settled.

Whether your business is moving across the region or abroad, a poorly managed office move can be a huge headache, not just for you, but also your employees and even your clients. This is especially true if you choose to do office relocations during peak season.

To ensure a successful business relocation during peak season, here are five tips you must remember.

1. Start planning your relocation early

Time is a critical factor when moving your business during peak season, so you must act early. Advanced planning can eliminate the unnecessary hassle and help streamline logistics.

If you put off attending things, even the tiniest details, until the last minute, you may end up running out of time for organising the move, or paying more for removal companies.

But if you have a detailed relocation plan outlining how and when each task must be performed, and how much every aspect of the move will cost, you can significantly save money and time. Most importantly, it will ensure a smooth office move.

Give yourself three to six months to put together a clear and concise relocation plan. Evaluate the things that should be moved and decide on the items that can be securely eliminated and donated. Though some establishments can accept used office furniture, you can’t assume they can coordinate rush pick-ups to suit your moving schedule. The same is true when securing the disposal of electronic devices.

2. Find a removal company and book a date ASAP

Relocating your office during the peak moving season means movers are in demand. Make sure to choose a reliable mover and pick a moving date that works best for you.

Getting an office removal company on board early will also ensure that there will be no hidden or extra costs to pay. For instance, you may pay more if the movers charge extra for packing and moving delicate office equipment. Though it might be worth paying extra to ensure the safety of the item, you still need to factor these things into your cost assessment so you can include them in your budget.

Do not risk working with mediocre removal companies. Instead, prioritise finding the best and schedule your move date early.

3. Take inventory of all items

Taking inventory is a must when relocating. You need to include all the equipment and supplies you have on your business premises. Compile all files and papers you will need in the future and make a list of those as well. You don’t want to lose anything relevant, so create a detailed list and take this seriously.

Having a list of all equipment, documents and supplies will also guide the relocation company in providing you with a reliable quote. More importantly, it will help ensure that nothing will get lost or damaged during transit.

4. Delegate moving tasks

An office relocation is not a solo endeavour, but rather an entire company’s affair. Assign tasks to employees or teams. For instance, ask a number of your workers to complete the inventory while the others purchase packing materials or other items you need for your move.

As for tasks that need proficiency, delegate them to competent workers. For instance, let the IT department deal with tech-related matters, and those in the administrative sector can prepare all the necessary documentation.

Delegating jobs will reduce your workload and guarantee an organised move. It will also ease employee tension because they are involved in the relocation process and know firsthand what is taking place.

Make sure to be clear and loud about everyone’s tasks, including the deadlines. As you assign tasks, it would also be great to get input from your employees regarding the changes they want for their new space, and make an effort to acknowledge staff needs in planning and designing your new business location.

5. Be mindful of essential documents and deadlines

Generally, vendors will require different documents and set varying timelines. Make sure to keep a list of each one’s specific requirements because failing to meet the deadline or missing paperwork can hold up timelines and relocation services.

Moreover, most key actions can only be taken after completing preparatory steps, so make sure that everyone adheres to the expected timeline milestones to keep the office move running smoothly.

Moving a business, regardless of whether it is a small or large one, is not easy since it involves handling numerous supplies, bulky and fragile equipment, and essential documentation. But if you plan well and aim to include your employees throughout the relocation process, you’ll be back in business in no time.

At Writer Relocations, we can minimise the stress by tackling your move because it is our area of expertise. Our experienced packers and movers can relocate your business, supplies, equipment, and people hassle-free. From planning the office shifting process to managing the office move, you can trust us. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our high-quality corporate relocation services.

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Addressing Employee Relocation Concerns

All organisations need the right talent in the right location. While this problem can usually be resolved with meticulous sourcing, recruitment, and hiring, sometimes, it may be necessary to relocate employees to increase performance and productivity in a particular branch.

However, asking employees to migrate to the UAE or any other country is not as straightforward as it seems. Even if you offer them a higher position and salary package, they won’t immediately jump at the chance since they have several things to consider and think about.

Knowing the common concerns and worries that relocating employees have can help you be prepared to deal with those. This, in turn, can make it easier for you to assuage their fears and have an easier time getting a ‘yes’ from them.

Concerns Employees May Have About Relocating Abroad

Below are the top five concerns employees may have about taking up a position in a different country and some tips for addressing these to assuage their worries:

1. Expenses related to moving

Overseas international relocation comes with plenty of expenses.. Anyone moving has to shoulder various expenditures related to packing and shipping belongings, buying other things needed for the move, airline tickets, rental, and furnishing their new home.

No matter how big the compensation package you offer, your employees will still be concerned if it will be enough to cover all these expenses.

When the employees are unsure if they have to manage their relocation needs on their own, they will be apprehensive about taking your offer.

Including details about what your company will cover in the relocation package will give your employees a good idea about the amount of financial help and other forms of assistance they can expect when they move.

With this information, the employees won’t have to worry about shouldering all moving-related expenses, putting a dent in their budget.

Keep in mind that the cost of moving is often a deal-breaker in workforce mobility. If your company doesn’t offer to cover relocation expenses, your employees will hesitate about relocating.

As such, when creating your relocation package, research the costs associated with travel expenses, moving and shipping services, and corporate or temporary housing, among others. Once you have the figures, come up with estimates that will work within your budget and will also cover everything.

2. Work permits, visas, and other immigration matters

Employees who are part of your workforce mobility plan also want to be assured that they won’t encounter any difficulties and can work immediately once they arrive at their destination.

When your employees have to process all of these themselves, you can be sure they will turn down your offer to move to another place.

Having someone handle all the immigration-related processes of employee relocation will be an attractive bonus for them. With these tasks out of the way, they can concentrate on doing their usual work and have more time preparing for the actual move.

To further ease your employees’ worries, make sure they receive a relocation schedule that includes a timetable to process their entry visas and work permits. They should also get regular updates regarding these matters so they’ll know when to speed up their moving preparations.

If you don’t have an HR staff or any employee who can handle immigration assistance, consider outsourcing it to a relocation company that offers those services.

3. Healthcare

Relocating employees typically want to know how healthcare will work in their new location and what will be covered.

Ensuring your employees that you’ll always prioritise their well-being is a must if you want them to accept your relocation offer.

Aside from including comprehensive coverage in your relocation package, consider customising those as needed. For instance, if an employee has a chronic illness or allergies, ensure their insurance covers these particular conditions.

Make sure you also give the employees as many details as you can about their healthcare policy so that they will have one less thing to worry about.

4. The well-being of their family

If an employee is relocating with their family, you also have to assure them that you are concerned about their spouse’s and children’s well-being.

Keep in mind that if your employees have a happy family, they will be more motivated and productive wherever they are. Because of this, you also have to lend a hand in their family’s transition.

You can do this by including school search assistance for your employees’ children in their relocation package.

You can also provide dual-career assistance for employees whose spouses are leaving their work because of this move.

5. Cultural adjustment

Your employees may be more concerned about the logistics of their move during the preparation or initial stages. However, they may also have worries about how well they’ll acclimate to a new environment and culture, especially if they are relocating with their families.

Providing your employees cross-cultural training can help them and their families experience a smoother transition. These programs will give participants a clear picture of what they can expect in their new home.

Participants will also get tips and strategies on adjusting to a new culture and lifestyle, enabling them to make a smoother transition.

provider of destination services can schedule cross-cultural training or orientation for your employees if your team is not trained or equipped to give them.

Taking steps to deal with these concerns will go a long way in getting your employees to agree to move and work in another location. As such, when creating your relocation package, make sure it addresses these five issues.

Get in touch with our team to know more about our workforce mobility services.

Office Relocation Tips for Packing Equipment and Office Supplies
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Office Relocation Tips for Packing Equipment and Office Supplies

Safety is a top priority for movers like us, most especially for office shifting. While a house move does have its own unique set of challenges, commercial removals tend to be more complex because of the sheer number of equipment and supplies that need to be transported.

And since these items are likely to be of high value, you need your staff to know exactly how to pack them safely for transport—and this can prove difficult.

You can always hire experts for packing unpacking services, of course. But for added safety, and in case you don’t have a big relocation budget, it still pays to learn the three best tips for packing office equipment and supplies listed below:

1. Use the original packaging whenever possible.

The safest packaging for your office equipment is that which they originally came with when you bought them.

When buying new office equipment, we recommend setting aside the original packaging, including the box and any cushioning provided. Since those came from the manufacturer, the packaging details are custom designed to ensure that the specific equipment you bought arrives in its perfect state.

2. Don’t skimp on cushioning.

Cushioning is a vital part of packing office supplies and equipment, especially if you have lots of fragile items in your office.

To avoid damage, you need to use the right cushioning materials to prevent the items from rocking back and forth in their respective boxes or containers.

Some of your cushioning options include:

Packing peanuts

These are foam-based products that come in the shape of shelled peanuts around the size of an unshelled one; hence, the name.

Also called ‘foam peanuts’, these cushion fragile items by filling the empty spaces in the box and closely surrounding the object they are protecting.

Padded divider sets

Padded dividers are compartmentalised containers made to organise items for shipping. These are characterised by little walls that come with padded inner surfaces and covers for added protection.

Padded dividers are perfect for keeping smaller objects, such as figurines and mugs, secure during transport. They can also be used for packing items with incompatible shapes or sizes.

Bubble bags

Bubble wrap bags or just “bubble bags” are packaging essentials made of bubble wrap that may look like a bag, envelope or even a sheet of wrapping material.

Available in many shapes and sizes, bubble wrap is made from tiny air-filled sacs that cushion items wrapped in it.

Packaging foam

Deemed to be the biggest packaging material used for cushioning, packaging foam can be cut and shaped into whatever form is ideal for an item it is supposed to protect during transit. This makes it the second-best option in securing computers and other fragile office equipment (next to the original packaging).

Unlike packing peanuts, packaging foam is denser and bigger. Plus, it doesn’t have a definite shape and can be purchased in the form of sheets, rolls, or even egg crates of soft, thick foam.

It also comes in a wide range of firmness levels, depending on what’s necessary for the object it needs to protect.

3. Know the proper packing method for every item.

Different things require different packaging approaches to make sure they arrive in pristine condition in your new office. You can’t expect papers to remain clean and uncrumpled if you just toss them inside the same box as the copier, after all.

Below is a practical guide to packing common office items you can follow:


Using file boxes, sort and organise your documents before the move.

Develop an organisational system that will make it easier to find and endorse paperwork once you arrive at your new office. Don’t forget to label every file box and add a brief description of its contents.

Pro Tip: Take the relocation as an opportunity to go through the papers in your office and get rid of anything that is no longer needed. Remember to shred any document containing sensitive information, like your customers’ phone numbers, addresses, and credit card numbers.

Office Equipment

Before packing your phones, printers, fax machines and computers, make sure you backup all your company data on a cloud server. This ensures the safety of your data and allows you to continue working at the same time, even if the computers are still in transit and your new office hasn’t been set up yet.

Untangle cables for your electronic equipment, and make sure these are organised and labelled properly. If possible, use coloured tape to wrap the cords that go together. The colour-coding system can help you know which set of cables go with what equipment.

If you don’t have their original boxes, pack your monitors and computers in sturdy boxes to make sure they are secure during transit. Don’t forget to add sufficient and appropriate cushioning.

Office Décor

Keep office décor like clocks, framed pictures and vases bubble wrapped well ahead of the move.

Since they don’t affect day-to-day operations, these could be the first ones to go into the moving boxes for your office relocation. Remember to label them accordingly for easy unpacking.

Desks and Office Furniture

The contents of individual desks should be packed by the person that uses them. Inform your employees of the relocation schedule so they can prepare and pack the contents of their desks ahead of time.

Make sure all personal items are bubble wrapped and get rid of any items that are no longer in use.

Leave the prep work for the transport of the desk themselves to the packing and unpacking service provider or commercial packers and movers you hired for the relocation. The same goes for chairs and the rest of your office furniture.

Ensure a Safe and Secure Office Relocation

Relocating to a new office can be a daunting endeavour without the right knowledge or expert help.

Protect your equipment and supplies during transit by following these tips and make the entire move hassle-free with the help of Writer Relocations.

Get a quote and send your inquiries today.