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Best Middle East Countries to Work and Live In

If things aren’t going as well as you hoped career-wise in your home country, it may be high time to consider exploring other countries. Not only do you expand your reach and gain more opportunities, but you also open yourself up to more diverse prospects.

But before you partake in an international relocation to expand your career (or even to switch directions), you need to do some research first about your best options.

To help you get started, here are the four best countries in the Middle East and the reasons why they are feasible career relocation options:

1. United Arab Emirates

Composed of seven emirates, the United Arab Emirates is home to two of the Middle East’s most promising cities in terms of career progress: Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

Besides being the country’s federal capital, Abu Dhabi is also the biggest and wealthiest emirate in the UAE. There, you’ll find most of the energy and infrastructure-related jobs in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Besides that, it’s the heart of the Emirati culture and the sporting capital. It is home to world-famous tourist attractions, like the Louvre museum located in Saadiyat Island and the F1 track on Yas Island. It is also well-known as the source of 10 per cent of the country’s international oil reserves.

Meanwhile, Dubai – a.k.a. the most populous city in the UAE – promises bountiful opportunities for those with a knack for business and entrepreneurship.

Although relatively less endowed with natural resources than other emirates, Dubai has established a robust, healthy business culture. Its reputation as both a tourist and commercial hub has also earned it a well-deserved applause from the international community.

Considered the most Westernised of all Middle Eastern hubs, Dubai is home to more than three million residents (as of July 2019) from different parts of the world. You’ll find at least a small percentage of people representing every social and ethnic group here.

The city has also ranked 24th in terms of the Quality of Urban Living Index, which is higher than the global average. Many respondents also deem it to be one of the safest cities globally, next to Tokyo and Singapore. If you are considering moving to UAE, Writer Relocations can help!

2. Qatar

As the world’s richest country with a $116,799 gross national income per capita in 2019, Qatar is another promising relocation destination for foreigners seeking better career opportunities.

The nation is going through massive infrastructural development with a lifestyle that is almost as liberal as its neighbour, the UAE. The increasing prices of oil and gas also make it one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.

Doha, Qatar’s capital city, placed 15th in the 2020 Expat City Ranking, which ranked 66 expat destinations. It also garnered 17th place in the Finance and Housing Index and recorded a higher satisfaction rate in terms of financial stability compared to the global average (66 per cent versus 61 per cent).

Nearly all expats (92 per cent) here also see Doha as the easiest place to settle in, even without learning to speak the local language. Most respondents also report that it’s easy to find a house in the city with 73 per cent positive ratings, though only a quarter of the respondents deem properties there affordable. If you are considering moving to Qatar, Writer Relocations can help!

3. Bahrain

International relocation to Bahrain is also worth considering, especially if you’re from the Western hemisphere. While not as popular as the UAE, Bahrain has been attracting expat workers since the 1980s and 1990s. Here, you can expect a warm and welcoming expat community that people typically crave for when starting a life in a new country.

Salary-wise, the country came in third in Expat Insider’s 2017 Expat Survey that mostly focused on measuring salaries and earnings. It also ranked one place higher in two subcategories: work-life balance and job and career.

With its 33 islands, Bahrain is the largest archipelago in the Middle East. Its geography has long blessed the country with a profitable oil- and gas-based economy, although it is also well established as a finance hub, particularly Islamic finance.

The standard workweek in Bahrain ranges between 40 to 48 hours, though that may vary among various companies. And, like most Muslim nations, the country observes Friday as the rest day.

4. Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has one of the largest populations in the Middle East. It is considered a key growth market, paving the way for more than six million expatriates to seek a better life in the country.

From stellar living facilities to modern educational institutions, Saudi Arabia is a prime destination for individuals not only seeking progress in their careers but also improvement in their way of life.

Most job opportunities here are linked to the nation’s oil and gas industry, though other industries are being developed as well for a more diverse economy and to reduce the country’s reliance on oil.

Take note, however, that you must first find a job before moving to Saudi Arabia as only those with work there will be issued a visa. The good news is, working in the country is tax-free.

Move with Ease

Relocating to develop your career is a significant undertaking you need to prepare for thoroughly. Besides finding out your best options, you also need to understand how you can settle in your intended new place.

Writer Relocations can help you move with ease.

Send us a message for more information.

Tips to Choose a Corporate Relocation Service
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Tips to Choose a Corporate Relocation Service

With the onset of economic liberalization and globalization in India in 1991, many international companies started investing in the country. And now, more than 25 years later many Indian companies have offices in countries across the world. This change in economic conditions gave birth to international relocation companies in India. Some of these companies specialize in corporate relocation services.

Initially, the companies providing relocation services began with the basic packing and moving service. They would provide services to move office and home equipment. Nowadays, with the growth in this industry and rising competition, these companies are providing additional services such as selecting a home, selecting a school for children and so on. So, if you were to choose from one of the international relocation companies in India, the parameters today will be a lot different.

Tips to choose a reliable service provider

Insurance on belongings, testimonials from past clients, experience in international relocation especially in the intended destination country and a background check of the service provider, these are some of the factors you need to consider when choosing a service provider.

Here are a few tips to help you choose the right corporate relocation service company:

The good old checklist:

The initial step, even before researching international relocation companies in India, is to prepare a checklist of the employees’ requirements. Talk to your fellow employees, who are to be relocated, and understand their requirements. Prepare a detailed checklist of these requirements.

Multiple source shortlisting:

The best way to narrow down your list of corporate relocation service providers is to consult multiple sources. The fastest way to search for a relocation company is with the help of the internet. A simple search will give you hundreds of results. Try using relevant keywords to narrow down your search. For instance, instead of searching ‘corporate relocation companies’ use a keyword like ‘international corporate relocation company in Singapore’. Using specific keywords, such as the name of the intended destination will help you narrow your search. Ask for suggestion from peers. Nothing helps to make a decision than inputs from people we know. They will share their experiences and also bring up some aspects you may never have thought of.

Testimonials are a must:  

Once you have shortlisted a few corporate relocation companies make sure to get some customer testimonials. Look beyond the testimonials mentioned on the company website. Try and get real reviews. A thorough customer feedback will definitely help you select the right company. When selecting customers who have used the company’s services, check with the ones who availed the services five years back and the ones who availed the service recently. This will help you to see if the company has improved or deteriorated its services over time.

Price alone can’t decide: 

Don’t let price be the only deciding factor. The best services never come cheap. Check the overall package provided by the company. Compare it with your checklist and ensure all or most boxes are ticked off.


Research is very important whether you are trying to find a provider of corporate relocation services or one of the reputed international relocation companies in India.

Author Bio

Neha works for a corporate relocation service provider. She also writes blogs on how to select one of the reputed corporate or international relocation companies in India.

Office Moving Tips for a Business Relocation
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Office Moving Tips for a Business Relocation

Companies relocate their offices mainly because they’re expanding for more business and customers, downsizing for efficiency or simply because their lease is getting over. This time of transition is when businesses are at maximum risk. Apart from fear of drop in sales and complaining customers, there are also chances of frail office items like hard drives, laptops, files, data servers, etc. getting damaged during transit.

To save you from all these troubles, we have put together 9 tips that will help you move your office smoothly

1) Plan your move in advance

Start planning your move at least 3 to 6 months in advance before the actual moving time arrives. This will give you the time to get into the nitty-gritty of the move. Once you know what your new office is like, plan your interior accordingly. Decide how you’re going to arrange furniture and other equipments in the new place.


2) Inform your employees

Let your office employees know well in advance about the move. They might want to finish some major work before the move or simply prepare themselves for this change.


3) Hire a professional mover

You need to be careful while choosing commercial movers and packers. Check whether the company has executed such office moves before. You should also have a set of questions which you may want to ask them. This will help you choose the right moving company that carefully moves your sensitive office equipment.


4) Give your IT team enough time to prepare

Intimate your IT team at least 3 months in advance about the move. They need to take care of internet plans, phone connections and other things. They might also have to inspect the new office and determine if there is any need for upgrading the equipments.


5) Purge unnecessary items

Get rid of unimportant old files, unused furniture, outdated mobile phones and other things that you won’t be needing anymore. This will make the move easier.

In India you can sell your used furniture on sites like OLX and Quickr. Depending on where you’re located you can search for similar sites in your country.


6) Order new equipments in advance

Once you evaluate the new place, you can order new furniture and equipments well in advance. Also, coordinate with the suppliers so that they deliver things to your new office just before you move in. This will help you to settle in quickly.


7) Change your address and let everyone know

Update your address on the website, letterheads, business cards etc. You could get a little creative and try one of these ways.

Your clients should know that you are moving and should have the new address with them. Let your vendors also know about the new address so that the deliveries are made correctly at the new place.


8) Schedule your move wisely

Plan your office move keeping in mind all your important client meetings and project deadlines. You don’t want to end up in a situation where you have client meetings when all the files, laptops and equipment are being unpacked. That would look very unprofessional. It’s also unfair to expect your staff to work efficiently in such an environment. Give everyone a minimum of 3 days just to settle in.


9) Use name cards to organize

Packing name cards can be inserted at multiple places in the boxes and movers can use the layout chart to appropriately place the items. You can also put name cards at the new office, helping the movers to place the boxes appropriately.

There can be a lot of factors you can consider for moving an office from one place to another but at last a thorough plan and good organisation can make the move a hassle-free experience.

Looking to move your officeGet a FREE quote from Writer Relocations today.


Choose Writer Relocations for stress-free moving

For 63 years, Writer Relocations has been helping all types of moves safely and without stress. Our services include International Moving, India Moving, VIP Moving, Orientation Services, Fine Art Moving, Office Shifting Services, Hospitality Logistics, Commercial Moves etc. That simply means that with our move planning, specialty moving services, and packing acumen, you are assured fuss-free moves.

Speak to a moving expert from Writer Relocations today @022-334-91787 or contact us here. Get your free moving quote here.

Have you ever been through such a stressful time while moving? Have we missed out on something which you think should be a part of this article? Do let us know in the comments below.

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Challenges of Living Abroad: 4 Harshest Realities and How to Overcome

Shifting to a new country for good can be quite a challenging task. It needs meticulous planning and assistance from an experienced relocation expert to ensure the transition is smooth.

Many times, a quest for travel, a hunger to discover newer terrains, impel many of us to seek a turf, far away from our familiar grounds, to a new country, and make it our home. The reasons to relocate can be varied – a call from a fancy university, a job prospect too hard to resist, following a loved one in a new country, or just to cut away the nagging boredom of our known environs or maybe some long-cherished love for a certain country to make it a home. The reasons for today’s worldwide relocation may be diverse, but the challenges of relocating remain constant. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key challenges of relocation.

1. Cultural Mismatch:

Each country is identified by its various cultures and traditions, which might be vastly different from one another. And in this mismatch lies a confusion. When you travel to a foreign country it’s this cultural difference that’ll baffle you. Well, no need to stress out because it can easily be dealt with. This article will help you solve all your queries when it comes to dealing with culture shock in a foreign land.

2. Dealing with isolation:

In your own land, you most often take human companionship for granted. However, when you relocate to a new country, in the initial few months its common for most of you to find yourselves completely isolated and craving for the company of friends. But this is quite normal and you have to be the one to put in considerable efforts to break the ice with your new neighbours. Here are 5 amazing tips you could use.

3. A sense of not fitting in:

It’s natural to feel like you do not belong to the new land you have moved in. To begin with, you have to start all over again, for everything. You will find yourself in a position that you aren’t aware of anything, and everyone has an edge over you in all matters. Well, you aren’t the only one with such emotions. Try and make yourself understand that it’s adventurous to unravel the unknown. After all, wasn’t it the kind of life you had always wanted, and therefore had taken the plunge on the first go.

4. A threat to your peace:

You are in a completely new country and anything can go wrong. From basic things like getting to figure out the right person for daily errands like plumbing, gardening, driving, and others, to identifying the correct educational centers, medical institutions, markets and so on, it can take months for you to figure out how to sort out things for yourself and your family. These things might appear small but can pose a threat to your peace. However, you need not stress too much. If there is a problem, there is also a realistic way to solve it.  And, that’s where the experience of an expert international movers and packers company like Writer Relocations, comes into play. You can sit back and relax if you have our assistance in international removals services. Learn more about our international home shifting services here.


So, in case relocation is on top of your mind lately, don’t break your head during the panic-stricken sleepless nights. Having spent 63 years in global relocation services, you can be sure to have a stress-free and damage-free move when you hire Writer Relocations for your home move. We are the ones you can rely upon when it comes to international relocation services, local relocation, office shifting, fine art relocation and commercial relocation services.

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DIY Ideas on What to Do with Boxes After Moving

Finally! The move is complete.

After arriving in your new place and unpacking everything, you’re surely ready to get settled.

But first, let’s talk about that big pile of moving boxes disrupting the zen of your new home.

Relocation entails a lot of planning and preparation, but those don’t often cover what happens after you unpack. Still, the fact that you need to deal with those used moving boxes as early as possible doesn’t change.

But don’t throw them away just yet. There’s always a way to recycle these things and make sure they don’t merely end up in a landfill somewhere.

As professional movers and packers, below are four ideas we recommend that you try to reuse and recycle your moving boxes:

1. Transform them into things that help keep your new home organised.

Cardboard boxes used for home shifting are pretty sturdy because they are made to keep your belongings safe and secure during transport. But did you know that they can also help you keep your things organised even after your move?

First, set aside the sturdier boxes from your relocation. Then, sort your possessions – from clothing and apparel to books and magazines – and put them away in their proper places.

After that, let your creativity flow and transform those boxes into something functional and decorative at the same time.

Here are some ways to recycle your moving boxes to organise your home:

Cardboard Drawer Dividers

Pieces of cardboard can be made into simple dividers to keep your closet or office desk drawers tidy. Below is a step-by-step guide for this DIY project:

  • Get the measurements of your drawer’s interior: width, height, and depth.
  • Cut two cardboard pieces based on the measurements: 1) height x depth and 2) height x width.
  • Mark the middle of each of the two rectangle-shaped cardboard pieces and cut a line on them halfway through.
  • Insert the pieces onto each other, forming a cross.

If you have more time for the project, you can glam it up a bit. Right before assembling the dividers, cut a piece of wrapping paper according to the cardboard’s dimensions. Then, paste the wrapper onto the partitions.

Don’t forget to retrace the cut along the middle of the cardboard dividers so that you can fit them together.

Stylish Shelf Storage

If you have a shelf or tabletop area you want to tidy up, you can explore creative DIY ideas by using your moving boxes as stylish storage options for your belongings. All you need to do is cover them with colorful fabric, transforming them into eye-catching storage solutions.

Aside from making them look more decorative, this can also enhance the durability of the boxes.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Place a piece of fabric flat on your work surface. Make sure the right side is facing down.
  • Put the box over the fabric and cut according to the size of the outer edges of the box. Leave an extra length for the flap to be folded into the box’s inner sides.
  • Fold the flaps neatly until the outer parts of the box are completely covered.
  • Using a spray adhesive (shaken well), attach the fabric onto the box. Don’t forget to press out air pockets or bubbles that may form on the surfaces. Repeat this process for all sides of the box – inside and out.
  • \
  • Measure the bottom of the box and cut a cardboard piece about a quarter-inch or half-inch smaller. Cover this with fabric using the same process.
  • Secure the extra cardboard piece at the bottom of the box. This should help support the weight of the items you put inside.

You can add more decorations like lace materials or ribbons to the storage box. If you prefer, you may also label it according to the contents you intend to put inside.

2. Use them to protect your floors when redecorating.

After you move, you may also want to redecorate or repaint your new place. Use your moving boxes to protect your floors, walls, and furniture by breaking them down according to the size of the items you want to cover.

Pro Tip: Cut them along the folded seams. Make them as big as possible and layer them over your carpet. You can also use painter’s tape to secure them on your wood floors to prevent damage.

3. Create a pet playhouse out of them.

You can also use old moving cardboard boxes for your pets.

Break them down and use them as extra matting for your furry babies’ sleeping area.

You can also keep them as they are and transform them into a cat or dog playhouse. Don’t forget to cut out windows and doors for your kitty to enjoy, or attach several boxes to create a bigger fort.

4. Set them aside for later use.

Whether you own a business, ship a lot of packages, or like to wrap gifts, you can quickly turn your moving boxes into shipping or gift containers.

Keep those you think you can use and fold them up to save space. You can just set the boxes back up when it’s time to use them.

Besides this, you can also use your moving boxes for the same purpose they are designed for – for relocation. As international movers and packers, we see many people transferring from one place to another and reusing the same moving boxes over and over (as long as they are still sturdy and in good condition, of course).

Eco-Friendly Relocation Is a Must

People use up a lot of materials during a move, most of which end up in the trash afterwards. If you wish to make your relocation eco-friendly, you can begin by recycling moving boxes as advised here.

Want to learn more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly methods of removal? Get in touch with Writer Relocations. We’re always here to help.

Over 50 and Looking for a Job Abroad? Here are Tips to Land Overseas Career Opportunities Swiftly
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Moving abroad for education? Tips for you

Studying abroad is a major decision in the life of any individual. Regardless of which country you plan to move in to, it all about adopting its culture, meeting new people, and getting in terms with a new way of life as well. Learning a completely new language might be irksome too initially.

Preparing for this life can get daunting at times. Where can you begin for this? What are the things to look out for, how to start and how to prepare? Here are a few smart tips for you as you relocate to another country for a better education.

Extensive planning and in-depth research

Find out in details about your destination city, the place you are planning to stay, food and lodging options and things that you can indulge in during your leisure hours. If you are taking the help of an international relocation service provider, to help in the moving process, you can get all the required assistance whenever you need them, be it home search, language and cultural training and so on.

Many students spend their weekends, when they are relatively free, in neighbouring countries, especially if you are in some European country. So, a thorough research will help you find the right options for yourself.

Save up

In a new country where you are staying far away from your family members, it is essential to save money so that in case there is some emergency, you do not have any problems fending for yourself. And, so no matter how much you think you have saved up, it’s never going to be enough. For this, you need to do extensive budgeting from the very beginning of your stay. That way you will garner enough skills to save money sufficiently so that you have a stress-free experience.

Learn the lingo

Mastering the language in the country where you have shifted for education, is a must if you want to be part of the social circle and be part of the core group. And, if not mastering, at least you need to learn to a certain extent so that it helps you to lead a sorted life in a new country.

Decide the things you would want to carry from your country of origin

Many times, you would want to carry with you some essential items from your country of origin when you move to a new place for studies. They may have some special relevance for you, they may have some emotional value attached to them. A trustworthy moving and packing company will take care of your goods and make sure they remain unscathed after relocating them to the new country.

Studying abroad is a worthwhile experience. So, keep aside your fears and set sail and soon before you realise, all your fears will be addressed.

7 Ways to Stay Healthy and Prepare for Your Relocation
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7 Ways to Stay Healthy and Prepare for Your Relocation

Moving to a new home is one of the most stressful events a person can experience in their life. So if you are moving soon, keeping stress in check and staying healthy is a must.

Moving involves planning and completing several different tasks, making it challenging to effectively concentrate on anything else. Staying safe, calm, focused, and healthy when preparing for expat relocation is critically essential in pulling off a hassle-free, successful move. Thankfully, there are proven ways to keep your health at an optimum level.

From visiting your physician to employing simple relocation strategies, here are seven ways to maintain good health while preparing for your move.

1. See your doctor

Before anything else, visit your physician for a wellness check-up.

Getting a baseline health assessment will ensure that you are both mentally and physically prepared for the move and that you are able to secure the latest health records you can share with your new doctor.

If you are struggling with vitamin deficiencies like low B12 or iron, your physician can give expert tips for remaining healthy while adjusting to your new lifestyle. You may also be prescribed medication, depending on your current condition, to help boost your health.

You may also be referred to a travel medicine specialist who can provide you with the latest update on required vaccines and disease prevention tips you will need in your new home country.

If you are taking prescription medications, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about preparing a larger-than-usual supply so you will have enough stock days or weeks after arrival, if possible. Don’t forget to ask your physician if they can recommend a trusted clinic or health practitioner in your new home.

2. Eat nutritious meals

Healthy eating is another crucial habit to include in your health agenda so you can have the emotional stamina and physical strength to survive the relocation process.

Here are some tips for eating healthy:

  • Develop a meal plan – Create a meal plan based on your specific needs and decide what you should have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner until you arrive at your new home.
  • Add in healthy snacks, such as whole-grain crackers, nuts, and fruits. Keep them within reach so you have something to munch on when your energy level begins to drop.
  • Don’t skip meals.
  • Avoid junk food.

3. Stay hydrated

Mild to moderate dehydration can cause unpleasant side effects, such as headaches, dry mouth, and increased thirst. You don’t want to experience any of these symptoms as these could ruin your pre-move schedule.

Thus, keep your drinking water close by and drink as often as you can. You can also drink tea, but preferably without sugar, to quench your thirst.

Avoid carbonated drinks because they contain plenty of sugar that can result in sugar crashes and energy declines. Consuming high doses of carbohydrates can leave you even thirstier.

4. Get enough sleep

Getting proper sleep when preparing for a move is easier said than done. Most people tend to sacrifice sleeping hours to get more things done on their moving to-do lists. This could work for a day, but not getting enough sleep for several nights can cause negative side effects.

So don’t make it a habit to give up hours of good sleep, as this can cause you to feel sluggish, exhausted, and unproductive in the next couple of days. Get at least seven hours of good sleep.

Generally, here are ways to get enough survival sleep:

  • Start your moving preparations early
  • Create a moving checklist
  • Ask for help from family and friends

5. Pack your possessions in a healthy manner

Packing is among the most dreaded relocation tasks as it may feel like it takes forever to get it done. It also requires maximum effort and money to buy all kinds of packing materials.

The key is to deal with your home packing task through an efficient and stress-free process. Here’s how to do it:

  • Begin with the packing as soon as your relocation is confirmed.
  • Create and follow a packing timeline to minimise or eliminate downtime or wasted time.
  • Get rid of all unnecessary or unwanted items.
  • Start packing the larger and most demanding rooms like kitchen and storage areas, and work your way toward those that are more straightforward to pack up.
  • Break up the packing process into manageable mini-tasks.
  • Have frequent breaks to avoid exertion, and to re-energise and catch your breath.

6. Stay safe and free from injuries

Staying healthy when preparing for a move also means avoiding getting injured throughout the moving process.

A house move involves demanding and strenuous activities, including carrying, lifting, and loading heavy and large appliances, furnishings, and other bulky household items.

Here’s how to stay injury-free:

  • Use proper lifting techniques, such as keeping your back straight, bending your knees and not your back, keeping heavy items close to your waist, and getting a good grip on things that must be moved or lifted.
  • Clear the pathways by removing obstacles that may endanger your safety. Keep them free of mud and dust, too.
  • Be mindful of what you wear. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes to ensure enough freedom of movement. Also, wear protective clothing like gloves when necessary.
  • Use proper lifting and moving equipment, such as a furniture dolly and sliders.

7. Hire expert packers and movers

The key to staying healthy and injury-free when moving house is to let professional packers and movers handle most of the difficult tasks. This can also help minimise any moving-related stress.

Home relocation can cause dangers and risks for you, especially when it involves plenty of healthy and bulky household items. An erroneous move can result in property damage, while one wrong step can lead to injuries. And when moving for the first time, your health and safety can be at higher risk.

Do yourself a favour and hire relocation service providers who have the proper knowledge, skills, and tools to guarantee efficiency and safety before, during, and after your move. They can even provide you with expert tips for moving and reliable packing supplies to protect your things while in transit.

Staying physically and emotionally healthy when preparing for your move is of utmost importance. Don’t sacrifice your well-being in an attempt to prove to yourself that you are tough, strong and capable. Instead, see a doctor, eat and sleep well, and stay hydrated and injury-free. Most importantly, be smart and invest in professional relocation services.

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Car Movers and Packers: Pre and Post damage car

Your car is one of your most precious and beloved possessions. When moving home, moving your car carefully is very important.

But what happens if, God forbid, your car is damaged during the move?

It’s best to know about what needs to be done in case this happens, rather than losing your mind once the damage has been done.

Here are 5 things you must know

Pre Move

1. Make sure your car has an insurance

We know this is a given, but you’d be surprised to know that around 70% of cars in India do not have insurance. Moving your car without insurance is risky. If something goes wrong, you’d have no hopes of any reimbursement.

2. Click pictures of your car before the move

Check your car properly and click pictures from all angles. Do this when your movers are around. This way, if something does go wrong, you’ll have proof.

Post Move

3. Check your car for scratches and dents

Once the vehicle arrives at the destination, check it thoroughly for any dents or scratches. If you find anything new, bring it to the movers notice immediately. Click pictures again, so you compare the before and after condition of your car.

4. Mention about the damage on paper

Once all your goods are delivered, your movers will need you to sign a form. Usually, there is a separate form where you need to mention about the damages, if any.

Mention about the damages in the form clearly. Usually, there is a diagram of the vehicle where you can mark the part that was damaged. If not, you can always mention that you have pictures for proof.

Make sure to get your mover to sign on the form, too. And keep a copy with you.

5. Call your relocation agency and settle the claim

Speak to your move advisor and ask them about the next steps. They’ll guide you with how to go about settling the claim.

Damages to your car can sometimes be very expensive.

If an important part gets damaged, it’s possible that it’ll never go back to being the way it used to be. To make sure your car doesn’t suffer any irreparable damages, it is important that you choose a trusted and reliable car moving services.

Writer Relocations is one of India’s oldest and most trusted moving company.

For the last 63 years we’ve been helping people just like you move their cars and bikes without damage.

We specialise in international relocation services, local relocation, office shifting, fine art relocation and commercial relocation services.

We specialise in international home movesoffice shiftingfine art moving and commercial relocation.

Hire Writer Relocations for a stress-free move. Get a FREE moving quote now.

Ever moved your car with the help of a relocation agency? What has your experience been like? Do share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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10 tips for moving cats overseas

Moving homes is a tedious process. It takes a lot of planning and preparations to make sure you don’t land yourself in unnecessary trouble on the moving day.


Shifting homes gets especially difficult if you are moving with pets. Cats, especially, can get very cranky during a move. Cats are very sensitive to the place at which they eat, the place where they stroll or play around and also the place where they sleep. A sudden change in routine can put them in a state of turmoil.

If moving can make us totally disoriented, imagine what your cat must be going through. The best way to deal with a situation like this, is to prepare your cat for the move.

Related Blog: Important Tips for Moving Abroad With Pets

Here are 10 simple tips to make moving with your cat simpler

Before the Move

1. Train your cat to sit in the carrier for long hours

Most of the people only use carriers when they want to take their cat to the vet. Cats know this and hence, aren’t comfortable with carriers. Try and make it a friendly place for cats by feeding them near or inside the carrier. You can also place a clean towel inside the carrier so that your cat can sleep in it.

2. Visit a veterinarian

Many airlines ask for health certificates which you’ll get at the vet. Also, finish giving any pending shots, as it’s going to take a while till you visit the next vet.

3. Call the airlines

Speak to an airlines representative and confirm the kind of documentation required for travelling with a cat. Also, ask whether the cat will be in the cabin or the cargo.

4. Carry cat essentials

Pack everything you may need during transit. Carry extra bottled water, towel, bowl, litter box, paper towel etc. If there is a special toy your cat is particularly fond of, keep it handy.

On the Moving Day

5. Keep your cat away from the chaos

Packing all your house stuff is chaotic. Keep your cat away from the mess of packing.

Since the doors are going to be open most of the time, and you won’t be there to pay constant attention to your cat, it’s a good chance for your cat to escape. You won’t want that happening, right?

Keep her in a carrier to avoid a situation like this. Or you may want to ask a friend to look after your cat till you finish your packing.

6. Make your cat wear the new collar

Put your name, number and address on the collar. If your cat does manage to escape on a moving day, this’ll make looking for her/him simpler.

7. Take special care of your cat during transit

Keep your cat with you whenever possible. During the transit, take special care to not leave the cat carrier in the storage area. It can get quite hot and stuffy here. This will only make your cat uncomfortable and irritable.

After the Move

8. Check if the new place is safe

After you reach your new place let your cat out of the carrier slowly. Allow her to explore your new home from one room to another slowly.

Ensure that the fencing is proper and no windows are broken. You don’t want your cat running out or getting injured in the new place, right?

9. Pamper your cat

Just like you, your cat is exhausted from the trip, too. Make her feel comfortable in the new place. This will help her adapt to the new surroundings quickly. Lay out her food bowls, water, and kitty litter. Spread out your cat’s favorite blanket. This will make her feel like home.

10. Let your cat choose its favorite spot in the new house

You must’ve noticed how your cat had a favorite spot in your old house. Let your cat choose one in the new house, too.

Remember that cats are territorial and don’t like changes made to their routine. They are bound to get shocked while moving, but by following the above tips you can make the transition less traumatizing for them.

Writer Relocations is one of India’s oldest and most trusted moving company. We’ve been moving people locally and internationally without any stress or damage for over 60 years now. Whether you’re moving abroad for work, or returning back to your home-town, taking your pet along isn’t a problem.

You and your pet deserves the experience and expertise of professional International movers and packers. Why settle for less? Speak to an International moving expert from Writer Relocations or call us on our toll-free number for India @ 022-334-91787. Request a FREE moving quote for moving with your pet, here.

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Have you ever moved with your cat? We’d be delighted to know about your experience. Do share the tips and tricks you followed with us in the comments below.

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A Guide to International Moving Insurance

From looking for a new place and packing to hiring an international moving company, there are plenty of things you need to consider when planning a relocation. During this process, have you ever stopped to think about getting moving insurance?

Many people are unaware of this type of insurance, probably because it sometimes comes with a different name. In some cases, people choose to shrug it off since they don’t think they would need it.

Here, we will answer five of the most important and frequently asked questions about moving insurance to help you decide whether to get one for your move abroad.

1. What is moving insurance?

Before learning the details about moving insurance, we must first clarify that this is not an actual “insurance.” Rather, it is a type of protection offered by removalists to their clients.

Called by movers as “valuation,” this has a similar function to that of traditional insurance. Basically, it ensures compensation to safeguard your belongings in case of loss or damage during the move.

Note that moving companies don’t sell insurance because they are not certified and governed by federal laws that cover insurance providers. Even so, valuation functions much like an insurance does by providing you with peace of mind on your move.

With that said, we’ll be using the word “insurance” in this article since it is the better known term for valuation.

2. Should you get moving insurance?

The purpose of moving insurance is to help you rest easy during the transport of your belongings during the move.

So, while it’s all up to you, we strongly recommend that you get moving insurance. It’s a small price to pay for the protection of your belongings.

Keep in mind that there is an available basic coverage that comes with most moving services. However, many people still opt for full valuation protection (to be explained later) because of the expanded benefit and coverage.

For example, if you’re moving overseas, you might want to get shipping insurance coverage to protect your belongings during transport from your origin to your destination country. This way, you can rest assured that your belongings are taken care of.

3. What are the types of moving insurance?

All moving companies are required by federal regulations to offer two types of coverage to customers on out-of-state moves.

One of these basic coverage offerings entails the reimbursement of the valuation of items set at a per-pound basis.

The first one, called the “released value protection,” is typically included in the moving company quote and is deemed as the best solution for people looking to save while moving with just a few high-value items within a short distance.

Important: The released value protection coverage becomes void in DIY packing since it automatically means that you assume responsibility for the item.

Generally, this type of moving insurance pays 60 cents for every pound of items lost during transit, regardless of what it is. For example, you will be reimbursed $21 for a television set that weighs 35 pounds when it is lost or damaged.

Considering the amount of reimbursement, you may be wondering why you’re paying others for the move if you’ll only get such a small amount if they don’t do their job well. This is where the full-value protection comes into play.

This second coverage takes your valuation of the goods to be transported into account. Under this moving insurance package, you’ll pay 1 per cent of the value you set for the entire package.

This means that if you decide that everything you want to be shipped is worth $50,000, you’ll be required to pay $500 to get full-value protection or “full replacement value.” This will give the moving company two options in case of lost or damaged property: to have the item repaired or replaced with a similar item.

For example, if a two-year-old washing machine gets smashed during transit, the movers can either have it fixed (if that’s possible) or replaced with another washing machine with the same fair market value.

This value protection coverage is best for groups or families on a cross-country or overseas move.

Of course, there’s another option available, depending on your risk tolerance. Writer Relocations, for example, offers shipment insurance that serves as the safety net for your belongings while they’re in transit.

4. Does homeowner’s insurance cover moving?

Homeowner’s, renter’s, or condo insurance may not cover your move, but this depends on the details stated in your policy. To be sure, it would be best to check with your insurance provider to know exactly what is covered. This is better than assuming that they cover your relocation, only to end up with no protection at all.

5. What isn’t covered by the moving company?

There are certain limitations to the scope of coverage movers can provide in a moving insurance.

In essence, movers don’t take responsibility for things that they aren’t directly involved in. Some of these things are:

  • items that they didn’t pack;
  • damage caused by natural disasters; and
  • damage in storage that isn’t related in any way to the moving company.

Pro Tip: To be sure you get the most out of the moving insurance, have the movers pack everything you want to be covered by valuation.

Ready to Move?

Moving overseas entails plenty of risks and uncertainties. Keep your peace of mind intact by understanding the details of your moving insurance.

Have more questions? Send us a message. Writer Relocations is always ready to help.