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Over 50 and Looking for a Job Abroad? Here are Tips to Land Overseas Career Opportunities Swiftly
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Looking for a Job Abroad at 50? Hear is everything you kneed to know.

Life can be an amazing series of experiences if one wants to make it so. And in this exciting journey of life, age can never be a barrier when it comes to unleashing one’s true potential. For anybody who is beyond the age when one usually looks for a job by going overseas, life is still brimming with opportunities. All one has to do is look for them in the right places and get ready for an exciting career abroad no matter what the age is.

Here are the things to focus on when looking for a career abroad when over 50:


When one is young there is still a chance to dabble in things one is not so sure about. But after a certain point in time, it becomes quite crucial to be sure of one’s own choices or inclinations. So, the first step while looking for a job abroad when over 50, is to be sure of one’s goals. It seems easy in the beginning but being sure of one’s weaknesses and strengths and deciding on a life’s purpose based on that is something that requires consideration. This insight will help to opt for the most perfect job, based on one’s true calling, which will further result in minimising the chances of a failed overseas international relocation. And more so result in considerable happiness after the entire relocation process.


For those seeking short-term employment, working abroad offers a unique opportunity. From options of working in summer camps, to teaching jobs abroad, a wide variety is available for those in their 50s and beyond. Along with that, there are a few other options – jobs in travel agencies, tour guides, and event planners. However, it all boils down to inclinations and choices. There might be people looking for jobs with greater security, while others who might go to the foreign shores on a temporary basis.


Going abroad and settling there, for whatever span, is a costly affair. From getting a suitable accommodation that is near the workplace, to taking into consideration the cost of living in the land, which is usually more than one’s native country, there are a lot of factors one needs to delve into. So before one venture to a foreign country to look for job options, the monetary part needs to be weighed properly before deciding on the family.

 Filial duties:

There are periods in life when one is tied by the filial duties. There are children who are growing up, their education and well-being are responsibilities for the parents. But after the children are grown up and starting their own lives away from home, the parents can certainly plan to go for exciting career options abroad. This is the perfect time for them to explore the world when all the filial duties are done. It is a good idea to go and venture the unexplored with no strings attached and not at the cost of someone’s inconvenience.

So, let not age be a binding factor to stop one from exploring one’s true calling. No matter what the age might be, if one is sure of the objectives and is aware of how to reach that, then going abroad to pursue one’s interests is the best way fulfill all that one had desired for long but could never explore before. And, when it comes to any relocation needs while shifting abroad, it’s best to take the help of a reliable global mobility solutions provider like Writer Relocations to cater to all the moving formalities and requirements.

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Countries with Best Work-Life Balance & Opportunities for Expats

With an unprecedented situation gaping at us, the immigration and visa norms across the world have become stringent. But slowly things will again become normal and people will relocate to new places.

As one of the reputed overseas international relocation companies, Writer Relocations will partner you in your entire move journey. Even after you go and reach the new country, and your goods get delivered, we help you settle down and make it home in there, as a part of our destination services. From looking for the best possible schools for your children to looking for suitable job opportunities for your spouse, we also help you understand the cultural nuances and get a hang of the local language. Everything comes under our bouquet of offerings as a destination service provider.

Here we give you a list of countries that offer the best working conditions, because after all, we all relocate to give a new essence to our lives.

France – the country to be in for those who seek a great work/life balance

France is not only a country, which is known for its art, culture and heritage, it also offers a wide range of benefits for those who relocate to the country for work purposes. Most companies there offer increased holiday and sick pay as standard. Employment legislation is pretty stringent in that country, which is why workers in France make the most from clear expectations and benefits.

You will be surprised at the amount of time you will be getting for yourself when you work in France. Every worker or employee in France receives 5 weeks of annual leave as standard, which is not the scenario in most other countries of the world. So, employees get more time for themselves and their preoccupations like pursuing a course or hobby, holidaying, visiting friends, and visiting one’s own country. The work/life balance is also boosted by an average workweek of roughly 35 hours per week. In case an employee puts in extra hours, that is always fairly compensated.

The career prospects are also very bright for the women workforce in France. This is why the second-largest rate of female workers in Europe is in France. There are also legislative plans to finally do away with the 15% gender pay gap in the country.

Switzerland – the country to be in for those expats who are looking for good pay packages

Many expats want to be in Switzerland because of the lucrative salaries that the country offers, compared with the other countries of Europe. Workers or employees earn at an average of about 20 francs per hour in this country. However, there is no legal minimum salary in this land. And the high wages many times may be offset by the increased living costs of the country.

In Switzerland, the average working hours per week is 41 hours and 10 minutes and it can stretch to a maximum of 45 hours, as per the legal standards. However, if certain jobs require up to 50 hours of work, it can be supplemented by statutory holidays of 20 days for all employees, in addition to all national holidays.

United Kingdom – for those expats who seek to climb the career-ladder fast

The United Kingdom is currently ranked as the fourth country in the world, in terms of career growth and it’s the perfect place to be in for those aspiring for a well-paid senior role. This is why many graduates flock to the United Kingdom after their university education.

So, make your plans and dream on for a destination you would want to travel to. For all moving and destination services assistance, do partner with Writer Relocations.

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Countries with Best Weather Conditions to Relocate To

Human beings relocate from their known environs to a completely whole new place for several reasons. It can be professional commitments, educational opportunities, or just a quest to have a better life, away from the familiar surroundings. Now people might not be relocating as much as they would want to because of the threat of this novel coronavirus. But this threat will not continue forever and soon people would want to go to places and make new homes and have better lives. And before relocating to another country, it good to know beforehand about the countries with wonderful weather conditions. As one of the leading international relocation companies, offering immigrating and destination services to customers, we recommend a few countries with excellent weather conditions.


A country that gets an abundance of sun and sea, this third largest island in the Mediterranean region is a wonderful place to be in. There is never much fluctuation in temperature with residents getting to enjoy a maximum of 25°C, as the daily average.

The economy of the country is also flourishing so there is no dearth of job opportunities and the country is also home to a number of ancient sites, so it offers a variety of flavours to be cherished for the citizens.


One of the most developed nations of the world, with job opportunities galore, this island country offers the most spectacular year-long climate to the residents. There is also a great work-life balance in Australia with beaches offering some of the fascinating water sports options. The temperature is pleasant and bearable, and never exceeding 30°C.

Beyond this warm weather, there are also an incredible number of locations down under – the Great Barrier Reef, Bondi Beach, the Sydney Opera House, and plenty of others.

Cape Verde

Located just off the coast of West Africa, this country is situated in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and, boasts of an excellent climate. With temperatures never exceeding 25°C year-round, Cape Verde is one location you can relocate to after the threat of coronavirus gets over and plan to make your home.

Costa Rica

It is said that people often visit Costa Rica as travellers and end up settling there, mostly because of its exceptional weather, friendliness of the locals, a great work-life balance that the country offers and opportunities to build up careers. Home to a unique tropical landscape, the temperatures in this country reach an average of 28°C even in the months that are hottest and only falls by 2°C in January, which apparently is its coldest month. Costa Rica’s popularity is well-known, and the country recently reached the 12th position amongst the best countries to live in, as published in an expat magazine survey.

So, make your plans, do detailed research and when you make up your mind to relocate, Writer Relocations, is one destination service provider, you can count upon.

Top Asian Cities that Millennials Like
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Moving Schools after a Domestic Relocation Now Made Easy

Assignment to a new country on an office project involves multiple challenges. It’s taxing to travel alone, but if you are doing so with your family and children, then it’s a whole new ball game altogether.

With more than 65 years of experience, Writer Relocations, the most renowned international moving company, has the knowledge and expertise to handle any and every move journey, making the process stress-free for you to a great extent.

Here are a few tips for you when you’re relocating to a new city with your own kids. We help you in finding the best schools for your children.

1. Be prompt

The moment you get confirmed news about your assignment in an international location, begin the school search process with your relocation services partner. After you shortlist a handful, do not delay in submitting the application in all of them. Schools have different admission criteria and so it’s best to begin the process as soon as possible.

2. Do thorough research

Read up online as much as possible about the good schools in the area where you are planning to relocate. Conduct a detailed and comprehensive online research when it comes to the academic credibility of the institutions, the extracurriculars offered there, the affiliations and accreditations, and if the concerned schools provide good sports opportunities as well.

3. Keep choices at hand

You need not apply to only the top schools in an area. Assignees shouldn’t just apply to one school because many factors go into an admission process. So, it’s better to have multiple choices at hand as a contingency provision.

4. Be sure with the dates

Depending on the pattern of how the academic year runs in the specific countries, the time of the year a school application is made, and then further processed, may impact the availability concerns of seats in schools. However, seat availability is never a major issue with certain institutions, and they will accept children whatever the time of year it might be.

5. Consider the commute

The quality of academics is always the primary concern when it comes to choosing the right school. However, the location of the facility should be a consideration, too, with respect to the place of residence and the workplace of the parent.

Being one of the major international relocation services companies, with experience of being a destination service provider to relocate families, we know for sure that it’s best if schools aren’t too far away. Commute time is considerably saved mostly because traffic congestion is, unfortunately, a big issue during peak periods in major cities across the world.

6. Let the children have a say, too

In case the children aren’t too young, it makes sense if their opinions are also taken into consideration before determining which school to opt for. So, let it be a consolidated decision.

We at Writer Relocations help families move to their desired destinations worldwide. We do have the sensibility to understand how crucial it is for families to find comprehensive support throughout the entire move process. After all, it isn’t just moving from point A to B, but settling in there amicably as well.

This is why we have chalked out our destination services and school search service in such a manner that assignees and their family members do not face major hiccups after an international move. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you on your domestic relocation with your family.

Beat the Moving Stress with Top-Notch Relocation Services
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Beat the Moving Stress with Top-Notch Relocation Services

Overseas international relocation is no mean feat and can often turn extremely stressful.. It’s not just moving from point A to point B, but totally turning oneself around and adjusting to the new environs and surroundings. It’s also all about adjusting to a new way of living and adapting to a different culture.

Research has shown that stress is often the root cause of many health problems. The medical records of nearly 5,000 patients have been scanned to prove that events leading to acute stress like divorce, death of a loved one or a close family member, and facing imprisonment for some crime can impact mental and physical well-being to a great extent.

Many people are hesitant to embrace what is new, and this can be the reason why relocation to a new city or country can turn out to be stressful. Being one of the leading global relocation companies, we at Writer Relocations have often seen how some people have difficulties in embracing this significant change in their lifestyle after a move.

That is why our endeavour remains to offer the best possible assistance to our customers during a move, and even after it. As a destination service provider, we ensure we help you build a home away from home and that too quite effortlessly, with minimal stress possible.But while we ensure a move journey remains as stress-free as possible, let us take a look at incidents that can shoot up increasing stress levels.

Being at the receiving end in a crime

Be it a personal assault or some sort of a burglary, if you encounter a crime of some sort, then it creates a deep impact on your psyche and evokes extreme levels of anxiety. You become stressed, anxious, forlorn and negative. The best ways to beat stress is to take care of yourself well through healthy eating and a daily dose of exercises. Time is the best healer, and what appears traumatizing on a certain day becomes bearable with time.

Being bullied at the workplace

Many times, it happens that we change a job looking at the brand or the profile, but often ignore the adjacent factors which can turn ugly for us, like the behaviour of the reporting head or how the colleagues are. Many times, office politics can turn out to be extremely painful and even lead a person to the throes of depression. And that is indeed a very sad thing and can make the victim highly stressed and nervous as an individual in the long run.

Moving home

And certainly, moving home, probably to a new country or a city, can become quite taxing. A sense of alienation can creep in, making life detestable during those junctures. For some people, moving home can lead to major psychological impacts, even.

To successfully deal with this kind of stress, it is best to associate oneself with several positive people — those who can instil much-needed confidence and value in life during that crucial phase. Good friends can turn around matters in a whole new way.

Let us now see what are the ailments that can happen when a person is subjected to severe levels of stress for a prolonged span:

  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, such as IBS and GERD
  • Obesity
  • Anxiety
  • Alzheimer’s disease

We all want to lead a happy and healthy life because it’s precious to all of us. The onus is on us to take the first step towards it, and life will teach us how to walk along, no matter how challenging the hurdles might be.

Talk to us today so you can discover how we can make relocations stress-free for you.

Tips for Stress-Free Plant and Machinery Relocation
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Tips for Stress-Free Plant and Machinery Relocation

Any business, be it large or small must undergo change to remain successful.

Sometimes change means relocating your plant in order to have more room, merging with another company, etc. Plant relocations are a big deal and can take a lot of time and energy.

To make the experience a little less stressful here are 4 simple yet effective tips

1. Determine the value of all the equipment

This information is required for insurance purposes, border crossings and legal reasons. The necessary paperwork can be assembled with the help of your accounting department.

Also, if you’re crossing borders you should choose a plant relocation specialist who has a good working relationship with a reputable customs broker. This is because the process can be expedited with the help of a good customs broker, particularly when dealing with equipment that’s been purchased at auction or is brand new from an overseas manufacturer.

“Countries of origin” is a phrase you’ll hear a lot. That’s important information that everyone needs to know. You’ll also need it in the paperwork. A seasoned broker can help navigate this process easily.

2. Determine UL listings/requirements for all equipment

Think about the location you’re moving your plant to. Make sure you check out what UL inspections/requirements the local municipality mandates. Does all your equipment pass muster?

There have been many situations where companies have equipment going from one country to another and that equipment did not meet local UL electrical standards. This not only results in unwanted trouble, but also in downed production and lost revenue.

3. Inspect the condition of each piece of equipment

Inspect the condition of each piece of equipment in your plant before you move anything. Look for any signs of extreme rust, deterioration, or cracked casings in the machinery.

You may want to consider leaving behind any piece of equipment that is severely damaged and replacing it with a new one. While this may seem expensive, it could cost you more money if something breaks while it is being transported. If a hydraulic shaft falls off, it could seriously injure one of your workers while moving it or could hit a nearby machine.

Also, it’s easy to neglect the need for new machinery because you don’t want to lose quality working days. By doing it during a plant relocation can save time. You can ask for the new machine to be delivered to the new address. Plus, you may already be losing a few days of work because of the relocation, so you can kill two birds with one stone.

4. Check the dimensions and weight of all machinery/components

This might seem straightforward, but your plant relocation specialist needs precise numbers, not estimates.

This information determines how your equipment is transported. Different methods will have to be applied to different equipment —and sometimes a combination of methods.

Make sure you have enough space at the new plant for everything you want to take, once you have decided on which machinery will be moved. This can be done by measuring both the square footage of the factory to which the machines will be going and the equipment itself.

Do not just measure the base when measuring each piece of equipment. You also need to allow for any part, wires, or vents that are sticking out from around the machine. Also, to ensure you have enough ceiling space so that it does not scrape the top of the equipment measure the height. Your move agent usually helps out with this.

Moving plants and machinery to a new location is a complex process. If not handled with care, it can cause serious damage to the machines and great loss to your business.

Due to the complexities involved in relocating a plant, it is prudent to select a moving service provider with experience in moving plant and machinery.

Writer Relocations has been helping businesses move plants and machinery without stress or damage for over 60 years now. We are one of India’s oldest and most trusted moving agency. With an excellent track record of executing damage-free commercial moves, you can easily trust Writer Relocations for your next move.

Don’t just take our word for it. Read what people like you say about packing and moving with Writer Relocations.

“The Writer Relocations team completed more than 2,25,000 man hours of work with Shell, without any major incident, or loss of time.

They also met the agreed timelines in each phase. During the whole move with Shell, chemicals and equipment worth millions of dollars were moved. They covered more than 25,000 kms across two sites of Shell.”

-Dharmesh Kumar, Shell

Also check out our case studies for commercial relocations.

Writer Relocations is accredited with the best moving associations, known for their international service quality standards, globally. When you move with Writer Relocations, you can rest assured that you are moving with the best in the business.

Get a FREE moving quote by Writer Relocations for your plants and machinery move. Or contact us on our toll-free number for India, @ 022-334-91787.

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How to live a sustainable life in the Gulf

Over the last few years, the relocation industry in India has seen a terrible rise in the number of fake moving companies.

The strategy by the wannabe companies is simple.

Pretend that you’re a famous brand name in the moving industry that customers are familiar with, or have heard of. Make a website where the famous name, or some elements of the name, are included. Then advertise, draw traffic, and leads.

The problem with this is that only the name of the packers and movers is similar to that of the famous brand. The processes and quality are rarely so.

From your point of view, the service looks much cheaper, or even more affordable. When the unscrupulous packers and movers fail to deliver, or cause damage to your articles, you complain online. It’s probably then that many of you realize that you have been fooled, and tricked by the removal company. By then it’s too late.

This is why when you choose a Moving Company ensure that you are not opting for a fake one.

Here are 5 essential things you must ALWAYS look for before selecting a moving agency

1. Don’t choose a mover who only offers you a low price

Relocation is not necessarily cheap. Opting for cheap movers to save money isn’t a wise idea.

While movers might promise to move your household goods at rates cheaper than others, remember that you will finally get what you pay for.

Poor packing, negligence in transporting, and inexperience in logistics, form a deadly cocktail. You will finally end up with delays, loss of your precious articles, and damaged items.

When you add the price of all this to your moving costs you will get the true costs of your home shifting. You would be wise to at least consider this aspect before you choose the mover.

2. Look for reviews online

Before trusting a mover with your precious goods, it is always best to see what others who have already moved with them have to say about their experience.

Always look for testimonials from customers on their website and review sites. Check on the following websites.

Don’t just settle for online reviews as this could be doctored. Insist on 3 customer references from the mover. Speak with the customers and ask them about their moving experience.

3. Look for these accreditations

Accreditations ensure that the movers adhere to acceptable, ethical standards, in the moving industry. Verify the accreditations on the mover’s website, FIDIOMNI and The International Association of Movers.



4. Ask for insurance protection

Most packers and movers do offer insurance as part of the deal but don’t assume this is always the case.

If your movers don’t, always insist on insurance. You don’t want to be left helpless if your goods do get damaged, or stolen in transit, do you?

5. Read the fine print in the contract carefully

This might sound obvious, but this is one of the biggest mistake most customers make. Read the contract carefully before you sign it.

Make sure everything the movers promise is written in the contract. Double check all the dates, insurance details, and the final amount that you have to pay.

Doing this will save you a lot of grief later.

Writer Relocations too has its fair share of imitators.

There are many movers out there who wish to ride on the pedigree and reputation of India’s oldest and most famous moving company.

To help customers distinguish a genuine Writer Relocations company from a fake one, here’s what you must ALWAYS look for when moving with Writer Relocations.

Our official name is Writer Relocations

The official name of our company is Writer Relocations.

We’re also referred to as PN Writer & Co by our customers. We are part of a larger entity called Writer Corporation.

How to recognise the Official Writer Relocation Brand URLs & Symbols


More specifically, Writer Relocations is a 63 year-old packers and movers brand from India. For a long time, we were known as PN Writer & Co Ltd, till our name changed to the current Writer Relocations.

PN Writer & Co Ltd, by the way was established in 1947, and was bought over in 1953, by the founders of the current Writer Corporation.

Meet the gold standard in international moving

As one of India’s oldest moving and packing companies, Writer Relocations has spawned its fair share of imitators.

While it’s always flattering to have companies imitate us, it becomes very disconcerting when companies use our name, brand pedigree, and try to pass off as us.

After all, we follow the ethical processes, strict quality control standards, and customer satisfaction benchmarks laid down by some of the best international moving associations. We have set the gold standard for moving in India.

This quality may not be available to you in the same spirit and standards with any of the “wannabe Writer” companies. Read the reviews by our customers.

In 63 years, Writer Relocations has moved 500,000 folks just like you to over 190 nations.

This means that you can rest assured when you do business with Writer Relocations. What’s more, we’re part of a group that’s a leader in all its businesses.

Writer Relocations is fully seized of the task of protecting its brand name. It’s an ongoing process.

We want you to know that the legal means of getting other companies to stop using variations of the Writer name is very convoluted and long drawn.

While we are doing this at our end, you need to know very clearly which moving company you’re dealing with so that any grief associated with it is always brought to the right door.

Learn about the brands passing off as Writer Relocations.

While we’re happy to be known by many names, we want you to know that the following companies are not related in any manner to Writer Relocations. These companies are riding on the goodwill and pedigree of the Writer brand.

If you do business with these companies, you do so at your own risk. Remember that this is not Writer Relocations.


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Packers and Movers in India| Writer Relocations


Packers and Movers in India| Writer Relocations

Packers and Movers in India| Writer Relocations


Looking for movers and packers in India?

Need a relocation agency to shift your house abroad? Get a FREE moving quote from Writer Relocations or call 022-334-91787.

Have you ever come across fake movers and packers? How did you deal with it? Do share your experience with us in the comments below.

Writer Relocations cares for its customers. If you come across fake movers pretending to be Writer Relocations, report them here.

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The Ultimate Guide For Your Gulf Relocation: Everything to Know Before Moving

Adjusting to life in a foreign land isn’t easy. Getting used to the new customs and traditions takes time.

While there is no sure-shot way to avoid experiencing culture shock when moving to a new country, it is always better to educate yourself about the place you are moving to. This helps you get an idea of what you are signing up for.

Are you planning to move to the Gulf? To help you adjust to your new surroundings better, here are all the important things expats you need to know.

1. Moving to Bahrain for Work?

While expats get used to the life and culture in Bahrain pretty quickly, they usually have a very difficult time getting used to the ‘Bahraini time’. Bahraini time, according to the locals, is their unbeatable habit of reaching everywhere late. If you have an appointment with someone at 11am, be prepared to have the meeting start only by 1pm.

Bahrain offers a great mix of a well-developed, westernized country with a touch of the Arab culture. Find out more about living and moving to Bahrain in our detailed guide.

2. Relocating to Dubai?

Dubai is synonyms with tall buildings and expensive luxury cars. But there’s more to this amazing city than just that. Dubai is a very modern and rapidly developing country. It is one of the safest cities in the Middle East with 0% crime rate.

Expats have little to worry about when moving to this city as 83% of the city’s population are immigrants.

This is what attracts expats to this city in the United Arab Emirates. Learn more about life of expats living in Dubai in our detailed guide on moving to Dubai.

3. Shifting to Oman With Family?

Muscat is the capital of Oman. It is also the most populated city in the country. Oman, being a desert, has hot and arid climate for most of the year. The best time for someone visiting Oman is during the winters. Oman is one of the safest countries in the world. Close to 43% of Oman’s population are expats. This makes it quite easy for expats to make friends and adjust to life here.

Read more about expats’ life in Muscat, Oman in our destination guide on moving to Oman.

4. Moving to Kuwait?

Kuwait is a semi-democratic country. Expats moving to Kuwait are usually from India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. The primary reason why people move to Kuwait is for better work opportunities. The currency of Kuwait is the highest valued in the world. This is what attracts expats to Kuwait.

Kuwait has a very low crime rate, but it is still advisable to be extra careful when out and alone, especially during the night. Women must be extra careful about their surroundings and who they are going out with.

The government of Kuwait offers free education, housing and healthcare to the citizens of the country. Expats aren’t entitled to any of this. But they do get access to world-class health care facilities. Expats usually send their children to an international school in Kuwait instead of a local one.

Read more here, about life of expats and moving to Kuwait in our destination guide.

5. Relocating to Qatar With Family?

Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world. People living in Qatar are the second highest earners in the world. Qatar is one of the leading producer of Liquid Nitrogen Gas, which is where the country generates its maximum revenue from.

Migrants working in Qatar face several issues, but that doesn’t deter people from moving to Qatar. Immigrants make up for 90% of the country’s population.

Read more about life of expats in Qatar in our comprehensive guide on moving to Qatar.

Moving to a foreign land can be a huge step for you and your family. Finding packers and movers who can move your precious belongs without any damage is one of the biggest concerns for people moving long-distance.

Writer Relocations is one of India’s oldest moving companies. We have been executing home moves, office relocationsfine art movesVIP moveshospitality logistics and commercial relocations successfully for over 60+ years now. We’re FIDI, AIM, and EuRA certified movers of international cargo.

Moving with Writer Relocations, you can rest assured that your belongings will be shipped to your destination without any damage. We leave no stone unturned to make sure you have a stress-free and damage-free experience.

Are you planning to move to Bahrain, Dubai, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar or nearby countries? Get a FREE moving quote from Writer Relocations now. Or call us @022-334-91787.

You may also want to check out the Case Studies on International Relocation, along with the FAQs, and Moving Tools & Tips that we have put together for the best moving and packing experience.

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8 Essential Tips while Packing for Dubai Trip

An international move requires a lot of work, including packing your clothes. Though there is no strict rule for doing so, unlike packing fragile and breakable items, clothes packing and shipping still need careful attention to ensure that everything arrives in your new home in excellent condition.

The primary challenges when moving clothes are how to keep them clean, packing them without getting wrinkles, and moving them in an organised manner. This may seem like an enormous hassle for some individuals, so they turn to movers and packers in Dubai for help.

However, there are simple ways for packing clothes if you are committed to doing it.

Here are eight tips and tricks for packing your clothes when moving to Dubai.

1. Sort your clothes

Before anything else, sort your clothes first as this can save you significant time and money. It will also prevent you from wasting essential resources in terms of unpacking and regretting why you have brought items you don’t need or not knowing where specific items of clothing are.

Here’s how you should sort your garments:

Get rid of clothing items you no longer need. Clothes to discard should include:

  • Out-of-fashion garments
  • Clothes that don’t suit you anymore
  • Worn-out or torn clothing
  • Clothes that you have outgrown

Once you discard these items of clothing, decide which you should sell, donate, or throw away.

Make sure you separate the clothes you want to wear on your moving day. Ideally, you need to opt for comfortable clothes. Take note as well of the weather in your current place and new residence. Set aside underwear, pyjamas and towels you’ll need as soon as you reach your new home.

You should also group your clothes into categories. Separating your clothes into groups will make packing a lot easier and faster. This will also guide you on how they should be packed.

Group your clothes by:

  • Material – Cotton and other natural fabrics can crease, so place them on hangers. Polyester and synthetic clothes don’t crease, so you can stuff them into boxes. Wool clothes may take up the largest space, so you might need several extra boxes for these.
  • Need – Set aside comfortable clothes from formal garments.
  • Size – Separate small or short items from longer clothes, and put them in different boxes. But if you’re mixing them in a single large box, don’t forget to pack similarly sized items together and put them in clearly labelled plastic bags.
  • Season – This will help you unpack the clothes you will need right away based on the season.

2. Move the dresser as is

If your dresser contains lighter items like underwear and socks, you can move it as is without emptying it. But you need to check with the international moving company first to make sure that this is acceptable.

In case you can move the dresser as is, make sure you secure it by sealing the openings so none of the items inside will fall out and go missing.

3. Use your suitcase

If you have several suitcases or travel bags, use them for packing your clothes. Make sure you label these as well to easily pinpoint where certain clothes are in case you need them.

4. Use vacuum or garbage bags

Vacuum-sealed bags can hold several clothes. By taking out the air, these bags can be shrunk to use up less space. These are especially useful for keeping out-of-season clothing since you will most likely put those into the storage in your new place.

Garbage bags are useful for packing clothes, too. Unused bags can be used to cover garments and shield them from dirt and other debris. You can also make a small hole at the bottom of each bag where you can pull the hangers (with your clothes) through before tying a knot in the bag opening.

5. Wrap clothes in sheets or plastic

Sheets and plastic wraps are good alternatives to garbage or vacuum bags because they are not slippery. They can also be wrapped to fit the precise size of your hanging clothes or the amount of clothing you want to pack.

You can also use plastic wraps and sheets to protect and secure the clothes in your dressers or drawers.

6. Use regular boxes

In general, regular, moderately sized boxes remain a popular choice for packing clothes. Avoid using small boxes because clothes weigh a lot. Too-big boxes, on the other hand, can collapse at the bottom and can be hard to carry.

Don’t forget to label each box properly. The label must include the type of clothing inside, season, who it belongs to, and which room it’s going into.

Moreover, use clear tape to cover your labels to keep them from getting damaged or distorted during the move. You should also use a dark pen to ensure that the ink will not rub off during transit.

7. Pack your shoes separately from your clothing

Packing your shoes separately will prevent your clothes from getting dirty during the move. You can use shoe boxes and stack them in a bigger box. If not, stuff your shoes with paper so they will not get deformed while in transit. Put each pair in a paper or plastic bag and then put all your packaged shoes in one big box. As always, secure the box and label it.

8. Let some of your clothes do double duty

Use sweatpants, sweatshirts, old clothes, and balled up socks as padding for other packed items. This way, they can provide cushioning for your valuables or fill in the gaps in your boxes so the items won’t shift around during the move.

Before placing these back in your closet or dresser in your new place, make sure to run them through the washer after unpacking.

Pack your clothes with care

Your clothes need care and attention to preserve their cleanliness and quality during transit.

Get rid of those that you don’t need, group and pack your clothes in categories and place proper labels on the packaging. Also, make sure you set aside a change of clothes for when you arrive in your new home.

For packing unpacking services, tips and advice, contact our highly experienced international movers and packers today

Discover the Most Pet-Friendly Countries for International Relocation
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Top Pet Friendly Countries Across the World

Most pet owners are aware that going to different places with the canine members of their family is no mean task because not everyone is comfortable in their company. In most countries, there are restrictions when it comes to allowing pups inside restaurants, theatres, hotels, auditoriums and many other public places. So, in case you have a pet and planning on an International relocation, take a look at these countries that have earned the names of being the most pet friendly all across the globe.


  1. France: France is one country that is known for very lenient dog policies. A report in the Telegraph read, “even the most palatial chateaux will be happy to welcome your dog, either free of charge or for a small supplement.” And one small piece of information that will surely exhilarate any dog lover is that, in France, pups find their own seats at tables even in certain restaurants.
  2. Switzerland: If you are a person who’s compassionate with animals, and planning on an overseas movingwith your own pet, then you will be happy to know that the Swiss have a very high regard for dogs. In fact, before bringing in a pup home, the first-time owners are encouraged to join a training programme.So, it comes as no surprise that in such a country, dogs are treated with utmost dignity.  In fact, the country is known as ‘an oasis for animals’. As one Swiss dog mom wrote, “Nearly every restaurant I’ve been inside makes a real effort to accommodate us. The offer of dog water as soon as we sit down is no longer a surprise to me.”
  3. Canada: Are you planning to venture to a country like Canada and have a pet with you? If, that’s the case then, you shall be glad to know that the well-known Canadian hospitality is extended out to humans and pups alike. Vancouver has eight dog-friendly beaches and a pet-friendly ski resort, and Calgary offers more off-leash spaces than most other cities of the world.
  4. Germany: Germany is often cited as the nation other countries must look up to as an example of how to humanely treat stray animals. The country strictly follows a no-kill policy, and Berlin is home to the largest animal sanctuary in the entire European continent, which houses nearly 2,000 animals (horses included). As writer Michael Barmish said: “Dogs are a very important part of daily life in Germany and, as such, are treated with respect as any family member would be.”

So, if you are planning to venture abroad with your pet, all you need to do is get in touch with relocation companies in India and know which are the countries of the world that are the friendliest to your furry four-pawed members of your family.