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Language & Cultural Training Services

Overcome language and cultural barriers. Seamlessly merge in.

Imagine that you are in a new country. You do not know the language.

  • Yes, you cannot make a head or tail of what the man tells you in the petrol pump
  • You cannot decipher what the security guard is telling you at the place you reside
  • You wish to pass on some information to the local electrician working at your house
  • You might want to instruct the laundry boy about something

Alas you cannot do so because there is a language barrier and each one of you fails to understand what the other person is trying to communicate. Life can truly become extremely taxing if you are unaware of the local language where you have moved in.

You struggle with simple communications  asking for directions becomes a nightmare, ordering at a restaurant gets hopeless, hailing a cab gets tiresome, and buying stuff at the grocery becomes awkward.

Now, imagine if you had a language orientation before you arrived at the new country. Imagine being trained by professionals who have a first-hand experience of your destination country.

Getting a foothold in the new country

You get familiar with the common terms and phrases to get things done. You become aware of the cultural nuances. Your life would be so much more pleasant, right?

Well, this is precisely what we do in our Language and Culture Training classes for you, at Writer Relocations, as a part of our cross Cultural Training for Relocation services. Our professionals will acclimatise you and your family with the customs of the new country. With relocation Intercultural & Language Training, they will train you on the common words and phrases used.

The Language & Culture Training Service by Writer Relocations will help you integrate faster into a new culture and language.

No more struggles. No more getting disappointed just because you fail to communicate to a fellow human. We take the onus on us never to let that happen, once and for all.

You may also want to check out our Case Studies & FAQs.

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Excellent Cross Culture Session!!”

Excellent Cross Culture Session!! Gave us a very good sense of not just the India culture. But, about how Indians may perceive westerners

Mr. S.L, BAE Systems