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Best Packers and movers for Perfect Move-In Party Planning

Congratulations on finishing your relocation! It takes plenty of effort to move houses, so you deserve a pat on the back for taking on and completing the process.

Creating positive experiences in the new place you now call home allows you to feel a connection with it. It can also help you feel more settled, even if there are still a few boxes and luggage that need to be unpacked.

One way you can achieve all that is by hosting a move-in party. Aside from celebrating a job well done on your part, it is also the perfect opportunity to get acquainted with your new neighbours.

Not sure how to organise one? We’ve compiled four tips to help you plan the perfect move-in party for both international and domestic moving:

1. Date – Choose a Friday or Weekend

When choosing a date for your move-in party, keep in mind that the people you’re going to invite have their own lifestyles and schedules that may not allow them to attend. Plus, some of them will most likely be strangers, which means you won’t have a clue when they’re free.

That said, your options for the best possible date for your party are Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays. If you choose a Friday, time it during the afternoon or later hours of the day. These days are ideal since most people would be home from work during these days.

Remember to select a date that is neither too advanced nor too close to the date you moved in. This will give people enough time to include your party in their schedules.

As a bonus, it will also give you more time to settle in, make the place look guest-worthy, and unpack your things without feeling pressured.

Of course, this would become easier if you hire a moving company that packs and unpacks as well.

2. Invitations – Know What to Include in the Invites

Whether you’re giving out cookies or muffins with the invites or just a piece of paper, make sure that you put a bit of effort into inviting your new neighbours. Make it short and sweet, and write the necessary details your guests would need, like:

  • your name;
  • home address;
  • time and date of the event; and
  • a brief explanation of what you’re celebrating.

This should be enough to help people get a good grasp of what to expect from the party.

Of course, don’t forget to invite any friends or relatives that live in the area.

Who knows? They might volunteer to assist you with the preparations and clean-up, especially if you live independently.

Take note: If your guest list is a mixed company, make sure that you specify “no gifts” in your invitation. This way, no one would feel uncomfortable showing up empty-handed only to find other people bearing gifts once they arrive at the gathering. This is also the reason why you should avoid using the term “housewarming” as it implies gifts should be brought.

3. Foods and Drinks – Keep it Simple

It’s not a good idea to start a move-in party with alcohol, even if it’s just a few beers. If people begin drinking too soon, your party will probably turn into a chore rather than an actual celebration.

Instead, bring out energy-boosting snacks and coffee to get even your movers and unpackers pumped up and ready for work to make sure that your new home is ready for the actual party.

Take note you don’t have to overthink what foods and drinks to serve your move-in party guests. Since you’ll be inviting some people that you barely know, it would be best to keep it simple.

Wine and cheese are great options that most people enjoy. And don’t forget the staples:

  • Chips
  • Vegetables
  • Dip

Time your party around the hours when most people would have already eaten dinner. This way, you’ll be less likely to feed an army of hungry neighbours. Still, it would be best to overstock on food, just in case.

4. Notification – Let the Community Know

Informing your neighbourhood about your moving-in party also serves as a goodwill notification that some lively activities will be happening at your place. It doesn’t matter if you’re inviting everyone or not; it is only polite to inform them that a party will happen.

Doing so will help you make a good first impression on those you haven’t met and maintain good relations with everyone after the party is over.

If you’re moving somewhere managed by a landlord, be sure to talk about the idea of having a party with them first. You can also put up a flyer about the party on a bulletin board in your apartment complex if you have one.

Don’t forget that while you can ask for their understanding and apologise in advance, it would still be better to tone things down. Prevent the party from getting overly noisy. This will also reduce the chances that law enforcement will pay you a visit during the gathering.

Speaking of law enforcers, remember to inform the local police station near your home if you’re planning a bigger event. Be polite and ask for permission.

Celebrate Your Move

Move-in parties are great for celebrating the successful relocation and getting to know you’re your neighbourhood. Use the tips we presented here and ask for help when necessary.

Writer Relocations is all about helping you adjust to your new home.

Contact us if you need help with unpacking and getting settled.

Experts Guide For Pet Relocation
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Experts Guide For Pet Relocation

Moving home internationally is a huge step. If you have a pet, it is obvious that you will take your pet along.

Did you know, when moving to a new country, you pet is likely to face culture shock too?

Just like humans, animals also take some time getting used to the new place. It is especially difficult if you are moving to a country in a different time zone.

How can you make sure your pet doesn’t get restless and settles in easily?

Related Blog: 10 important tips for moving abroad with pets.

Here are 3 things ever pet owner who has recently moved to a new country must know

1. Your pet experiences jet lag too

Just like humans, pets take a while adjusting to the new time zone, too. For the first few weeks, be prepared for unusual bathroom schedules. Your pets body clock might still be in sync with the time zone you’ve moved from.

They might also get hungry and sleep at odd hours. This usually lasts for a week and isn’t anything to worry about.

2. They miss the food and water from back home

When packing, don’t forget to keep some extra packets of your pet’s favorite food. Just like humans, pets also have favorite foods. You’d obviously know what your pet’s favorite food is.

If your pet isn’t feeling too good at the new home, you can feed them with food they love.

3. Your pet is just as homesick as you are

Pets take time adjusting to new surroundings. They miss the smell of home. This is especially true for cats.

Dogs take some time familiarizing themselves with the neighborhood. So many unfamiliar sounds, objects and smells in the surroundings make them anxious and restless. It is because of this change in their surroundings that they get tired and exhausted very soon.

Moving home changes your life and routine in many ways. This is especially true if you are moving to a new country.

Your pet might be anxious, annoyed or looked too upset. It’s important to not leave them alone or be too hard on them at this time. Just like humans, the new surrounding is overwhelming for them, too.

Since dogs are majorly dependent on their owners, you’ll see that the sooner you get comfortable in your new home, the easier it will be for them.

Moving to India with your pets? Unsure about how your pet will adjust to life in a foreign country?

India is a pet-friendly country with most housing societies and many hotels being open to having pets over.

To make the choice simpler for you, we’ve put together an Infographic about the 10 most pet-friendly cities in India.

If you’re moving to India with your cat, here are some tips for moving cats overseas to make sure you and your cat have a stress-free move.

Writer Relocations is one of India’s oldest and most trusted moving company. We specialize in international moves, local relocations, pet relocations, office shifting, commercial moves and fine art relocations.

Whether you’re moving abroad for work, or returning back to your home-town, taking your pet along isn’t a problem. For 63 years, Writer Relocations has been helping people move safely and without stress.That simply means that with our move planning, specialty moving services, and packing acumen, you are assured fuss-free moves.

You and your pet deserves the experience and expertise of professional International Movers. Why settle for less? Speak to an International moving expert from Writer Relocations or call us @ 022-334-91787.

Do you have any doubts regarding pet relocations? Have you ever moved overseas with your pet? Do share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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Benefits of Hiring Expert International Packers and Movers

Nowadays, there is a rise in the number of people relocating to a different country. This has pushed the demand for professional international movers in India. Moving out of India to a different country or international relocation can be for a personal or professional reason. People might move in the same continent or to a different continent all together.

Irrespective of the destination, if you are relocating internationally you will need the help of an international relocation company. Packing, loading and transportation of your small as well as large belongings like cars are included in the international relocation service provided by these companies.

The four major benefits of hiring the services of international movers are:

Safety of belongings:

Safety of your belongings is the fundamental function of these international relocation services providers. They take utmost care to ensure that each item is safe in transit. These companies have professionals who are equipped with the right tools and techniques to ensure the best handling of your belongings during the relocation process. These companies also recommend the best insurance available as per your requirements.

Professional packing techniques:

No matter how well you have thought of packing your belongings before relocating internationally, the packing done by these companies is always better. They are professionals, it is their job, and they have done it many times before. Their experience has made them experts at packing goods regardless of the size, shape and structure. These professionals offering packing unpacking services are also well equipped with the necessary materials and tools to safely and efficiently pack your belongings. Special care is taken to pack fragile goods. They are also better at handling your belongings in and out of the house. They know the right techniques to move belongings around especially in tricky situations.

Efficient service at effective costs:

Another major international relocation services is that the relocation companies are very efficient and quick in what they do. These companies thrive on high levels of customer satisfaction. And the best way to satisfy a customer is by providing great service efficiently. A lot of planning and scheduling is done prior to the actual day of moving. All this planning and scheduling results to a smooth relocation process, ensuring your belongings are present at your new destination at the required time. Efficiency is one aspect that differentiates one international relocation company from the other. The other aspect that gives the competitive edge to these relocation companies is the cost. Due to the rapid growth in this industry, companies are trying very hard to stand out in the crowd. The only way they can do is by being efficient in their service and effective in their costing.

Relief and relaxation:

All the above benefits of the international movers in India add up to a relaxed relocation experience. Safe moving of your belongings is the biggest concern while relocating. But with the help of these experts you need not worry, instead relax and enjoy your travel to the new destination.


Planning to hire a reliable international movers in India Conduct a small research when choosing an international relocation company or international relocation services provider.

Author Bio

Neha works for an international relocation company. She also writes blogs on how to choose an international movers in India or international relocation services provider.

Employee Relocation Management Tips For Efficent Move
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Employee Relocation Management Tips For Efficient Move

Global mobility is becoming dynamic over the years. In an AIRINC survey, almost 80% of businesses stated that they spiked up their global mobility platforms in 2017, and that very number rose to 92% at the end of 2018.

There have been a number of factors, which have necessitated this need for international relocation so extensively. While the increasing avenues of transport are definitely a significant factor, an RES Forum report outlines a high number of job vacancies from entry-level staff to the top-level positions. Companies are finding it difficult to find a replacement for skilled professionals and therefore considering international relocation as a solution. And that’s why we have more and more relocation projects encompassing multiple personnel.

A Group Move versus Individual Relocation – The Difference

Globalisation, along with a number of significant corporate mergers, has brought in a greater demand for ‘group moves’ — a procedure in which a company relocates more than one person at the same time.

A corporate transfer is defined as moving a single worker to another place, yet greater than before demand for overseas workers has meant more commercial packers and movers are witnessing larger move projects. For the in-house HRs, who are managing corporate moves, this presents multiple unique challenges.

In a group move, all the aspects are scaled up. Whereas you’d formerly have coped one person’s move, which includes immigration processes, shipping, cultural integration, family settling-in support and more, you now have to manage the exact same elements, but for multiple staff members.

There are other aspects to be considered as well. An entire group move may include transferring a complete department or even a company. The result is that there may be a need to acquire more office space overseas, ship across the workplace goods and/or gain a completely different level of clearance from customs and immigration.

The key to a successful group move is operational management. With many moving parts, it is vital that you take the necessary steps that are important, to rein in all aspects of corporate relocation.

 Establishing a steadfast management team

The first step in a successful move process is finding out the main people who’re involved. A committed management unit is essential for complete clarity. Units can differ in size depending on the move you plan, with the assistance of third-party corporate relocation companies like Writer Relocations.

The green light from immigration

Investing resources in a relocation project that gets stalled due to immigration restrictions is a huge waste. Before going ahead with your project, it’s essential to go through the necessary immigration processes for ensuring that you can move the personnel you want, to your desired location.

Extensive research on the destination

Every location is unique and offers different infrastructure facilities. From accommodation, travel options, to hospitals, schooling, business links, and local resources you’ll have to work hard to ensure your assignees have access to all.

Knowing your objectives

You must understand the goals the company is trying to achieve with this relocation. What is the outcome that you have been striving for – this must be clear to you. These elements include the exact number of people involved, their goods to be relocated, employee retention, and the entire lengths of the projects. Knowing your goals helps you to put in place the suitable measures to realize the said goals.

Pay heed to the budget, timeline and other resources

Relocation projects also have constraints on resources. Your most crucial factors will not only be money but time as well. So fix a timeline for the relocation project from the very beginning.

Overseas International Relocation Tips
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Overseas International Relocation Tips

Overseas international relocation can be a very daunting experience. And there is no doubt about it. Right from the application, processing the complete visa paperwork to finally deciding on a house for yourself at the new destination, the process is certainly a long-drawn one. And the struggle does not end there.

You have to shift your belongings from your existing country to the new one, find the medical facilities in your area, the good school options for your children everything put together can get too taxing for you while moving into a completely new country. No matter how prepared you might be, there will be certain points in time when you are bound to get hassled.


Follow these tips and things might be a little smoother for you when you relocate:

Pack smart

Mostly for security concerns, there are many countries that do not accept certain shipments, which have been packed by the owner. Additionally, in case there is any damage to the items that you have packed, that will not be covered under transit insurance. So, trust the packing part to professional packing unpacking services providers that has prior experience in these matters.


Appliances and electronic goods

It’s better for you to check if your electronics goods have dual voltage and are compatible with foreign outlets appropriately. If you see the goods aren’t that, then you need not pack them in the first place and make your luggage any heavier. But for the days when you settle in, don’t forget to carry with you the right converters and adaptors. Most cellphone and laptop chargers operate on dual voltage, so various kinds of power outlets work well for them. But it’s tricky with bigger appliances, and you need to consider if you want to buy them all over again.



Finding a good and reliable physician might take some time when you move into a new city. So, it makes more sense to make advance planning and bring along with you the necessary and the most regular medications to help you tide over the initial months.


Papers and documents

The moving frenzy is too much to handle and anyone can forget the most important things in this phase. But do pay heed to the fact that you don’t lose the most important documents in this crazy phase. Make sure that important papers like medical records, school records, immunisation records, passports, emergency numbers, driver’s licences, health insurance cards, and others are kept safe with you.


Overcoming the language barrier

We all are used to a certain lifestyle and a way of living. A drastic shift from that can at times be difficult to adjust. There is a language barrier to be overcome, there is a way of living that is totally new. It can sometimes be difficult to adapt to what may be a very different environment and culture than what you’re used to. Writer Relocations offers language cultural destination services, which are completely tailored to your needs and requirements.


Navigating your way

Technology has taken us to a level where finding the routes in a new country are no longer difficult. Applications like Google Maps make finding even the most intricate routes quite easy.  So, you will not have to be dependent on anybody and ask for help at every crossroad.

So, set off for a new location with confidence. You will find hiccups, but you will surely find avenues to overcome them. And when you have an international relocation services provider like us, Writer Relocations, all your concerns will be surely addressed.

The Ultimate Checklist Before Moving To Europe
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The Ultimate Checklist Before Moving To Europe

According to reports, around 1.4 million people migrated to Europe between 2010 and 2013. The numbers are almost the same each year.

The number one reason why expats move to Europe is for better work opportunities and an improved standard of living.

Many students move to various countries in Europe for higher studies, too. Out of these, quite a few find a job and settle down there.

Have you been thinking about moving to a country in Europe, too? Planning to shift there with your family?

International move experts at Writer Relocations have put together detailed country guides for various places in Europe.

We’ve also put together some amazing facts about Europe that you must know before you move to this continent.

The Ultimate Checklist for Moving Europe | Writer RelocationEurope is the second smallest continent in the world after Australia. There are 50 countries in this continent.

Whether you are moving within the continent or moving to a country in Europe from another continent, getting used to life in the new country will certainly take some time.

How do you deal with the culture shock without letting it affect you too much? While we’ve shared some tips you can use, another way to prepare yourself is by learning about the destination country before you move.

Here are detailed guides for countries in Europe

You’ll find all the important information you need to know about the country before you decide to move.

You might also want to see: Everything expats need to know before moving to a country in Europe – Part 1 and Part 2


Most expats moving to Denmark choose to settle down in Copenhagen. This is also where 25% of the country’s population live. The work culture in Denmark is quite informal. Expats moving from some of the Asian countries or even UK, might find it a little uncomfortable. But over time, you will get used to it.

Language is another barriers for expats living and working in Denmark. While most locals are fluent in English, it would certainly help if you learn the basics of Danish. It’ll help you get along with the locals better.

What are some of the other things that make adjusting to life in the new country simpler for expats? Find out in this detailed city guide for Denmark.


Moving to Ireland? Be prepared to be amazed by the lush green mountains and the breath-taking beauty of the countryside.

Finding a job in Ireland is difficult for locals as well as expats. Expats moving to Ireland almost always have a job there, already.

The government of Ireland is open to offering scholarships to foreign students for higher education. Quite a few of the foreign students studying at universities in Ireland find a job and settle down in Ireland.

Are you moving to Ireland with your family? Moving there for a new job? Do check out our destination guide before the big move.


Netherlands is made up of 12 provinces. The country is known for its amazing waterway network.

People living in Netherlands are very fond of cycling. Whether you are taking a stroll in the evening or heading to office in the morning, you’re sure to spot a few cyclists around. You might even become one yourself.

Netherland provides 30% tax-free allowances to expats who move here for work. This country also has an amazing work culture. Don’t be surprised when someone tells you they only work 4 days a week. But this doesn’t mean the Dutch don’t take work seriously.

Who wouldn’t want to move to an amazing country like this, right? Have you been thinking about moving to Netherlands for work? Do check out our country guide for Netherlands before you make up your mind.


Have you been thinking about taking up a job in Norway? Did you know that Norway is the richest country in the world?

Also, the capital of this country, Oslo, is considered to be the most expensive city in the world.

If you’re moving to Norway with your family for a new job, you might want to keep that in mind while negotiating your salary.

Curious about what else you must know before moving to Norway? Check out our destination guide on moving to Norway.


Poland isn’t really a popular expat destination. In fact, since the country joined the European Union in 2004 a lot of locals, too, have moved out of the country for better work opportunities.

Poland is a peaceful country. According to the Global Peace Index, Poland ranks in the top 20 percent of the most peaceful countries in the world.

Did you know that Poland is the only European economy to have avoided the late 2000s recession?

If you still decide to move to Poland for work or with your family, do check out our destination guide for Poland to find out everything you must know before moving.

Still need more information about your destination country? If you think we missed out on something important, leave a comment below and we’ll include that in the list.

Worried about how you and your family will settle down in the new country without fuss? Our International area orientation services might give some useful tips for you. Get in touch with us here.

Writer Relocations is one of India’s oldest and most trusted moving company. We’ve been moving homes just like yours for over 63 years now.

Need help with planning and executing your international move? Looking for packers and movers for moving abroad? Get your FREE moving quote NOW.

You might also want to see: How to recognise if packers and movers are trying to fool you by pretending to be a big brand name

If you’re planning an international move, you might also want to look at these FREE eBooks with moving tips and hacks. Our move experts, with their experience of over 500,000 moves have put these together to ensure you have a stress-free and damage-free move.

Things to Know Before Moving to USA
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Things to Know Before Moving to USA

Are you someone who has grown up dreaming about living in America when you grow up?

America is known as the land of opportunities. Every year, several people move to America to make their dreams come true.

Are you moving to North America? Moving there for your dream job? Or moving there to explore new opportunities?

Whatever the reason, shifting to a new country is a major step in your life. To ensure a stress-free move, you need a lot of planning and preparation. To make sure you settle down in the new country without much fuss, you need to learn about the country you are moving to.

Expert international movers at Writer Relocations can help you have a stress-free move. Learn more about our international home shifting services here.

The most popular countries in North America that people move to are USA, Canada or Mexico. We’ve put together destination guides for each of these countries, to help you settle down easily.

1. Moving to USA?

The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world. It is also the third most populated country in the world globally.

USA is a country of immigrants and the land of hope and opportunities. Every year, a lot of people from all parts of the world move to the US in hopes of making a better life for themselves and their families.

Are you moving to the United States of America, too? Here’s a detailed destination guide on moving to North America to help you settle down in USA easily.

2. Shifting to Canada?

Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is a multi-cultural society and emphasizes on equality. Canada supports immigrants and has many policies that make their transition into Canadian citizens very easy.

Canada has the highest number of Indian immigrants in the world.

Are you planning to move to Canada? Moving there for a new job? Do read this detailed destination guide to know about the country before moving to Canada.

3. Relocating to Mexico?

Due to its close proximity to USA, a lot of people migrate to Mexico every year. The cost of living in Mexico is around 30% – 50% lower than that in USA. Mexico has one of the strongest economies in North America.

Learn more about the country in this detailed destination guide about the life of expats before moving to Mexico.

Shifting home internationally isn’t only about the move. We understand that there are several other things to worry about.

How will you find a home in the new city? How will you manage your finances? Where will the children go to school? How will you adjust to life in a country you know little about?

Our area orientation services for international move have been designed to minimize disruption when you move home to another country.

Writer Relocations is one of India’s oldest and most trusted moving company. We’ve moved 500,000 people just like you to 190 nations. Having spent 63 years in the moving business, you can be sure to have a stress-free and damage-free move when you hire Writer Relocations for your home move. We specialise in international home movesoffice shiftingfine art moving and commercial relocation.

Are you moving to USA, Canada or Mexico? Hire Writer Relocations for a stress-free and damage-free move. Get your FREE home moving quote to experience the Gold Standard in moving.

Know someone who is moving to a country in North America, soon? Share this article with them on social media. Or email this article to them.

Have you moved to USA, Canada or Mexico, recently? How was the experience? Are you planning to move soon? What are your biggest concerns and worries? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. We’d be happy to know your thought and solve your worries.

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Benefits of Hiring Professional Packers and Movers

Got a new job in a different city? Or transferred to a different city in the same job? Irrespective of the reason, there is a lot of trouble involved in relocation. There are several packers and movers in Mumbai that can make the process of relocation easy and hassle-free. These packers and movers are professionals who offer end-to-end relocation services. Here are top five benefits of hiring professional packers and movers:

Packing like a pro:

The packing process is done quickly and efficiently by an army of professionals. Their packers have experience and training in packing different items. They arrive at your place with all the equipment required for safe packing of your belongings. Each item is packed with care, especially fragile items. They also classify the items and place them strategically while moving. This reduces the risk of damage to the belongings.

Handling with utmost care:

The packers and movers are better at handling your belongings while moving. Their expertise comes to help in tricky situations such as moving a bed up a narrow stairway. They are equipped with the necessary tools and know-how to handle such tricky situations. This way you can reduce any damage that can be caused to your belongings.

Knowledge of the law and location:

The packers and mover in Mumbai are aware of the local as well as international laws and ensure all required measures are taken while packing and moving your goods. Their experience and expertise make these laws seem like easy benchmarks and not a milestone. Packers and movers in India also know their way to the intended destination. They are aware of all possible options available to move your belongings to any destination within and outside the country. They will select the most effective and feasible options of transportation to ensure your belongings arrive at the intended destination on time.

The cushion of insurance:

Most professional packers and movers provide you with the option of insuring your belongings during the relocation process. They will insist you to take the insurance. No matter how well you plan your relocation and pack your belongings, there is always the uncertainty of something going wrong. These uncertainties can be caused by unprecedented factors or by things out of human control. Insurance is the best way to make sure that these uncertainties don’t cost you a lot. Insurance is a great cushion of safety that will give you peace of mind.

Effective in cost:

There are many reputed packers and movers in Mumbai. The competitiveness in the industry leads to cost efficiency for the customers. You just need to ensure that the quotation provided by them covers all aspects and has no grey areas. Take a couple of quotes and compare them. Initially, the cost would seem a lot if compared to packing and moving on your own. But once done, the cost will seem more than effective considering the peace of mind during the entire relocation process.


Looking for professional packers and movers? There are several packers and movers in India so, select only the best packers and movers in Mumbai.

Author Bio

Neha works for a professional packers and movers. She also writes blogs on how to choose the best packers and movers in India or packers and movers in Mumbai

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Guide On How do People Live In India

#ExpatLifeInIndia isn’t simple. They often have a difficult time adjusting to the surroundings. But once over the initial culture shock, living here in India is a memorable experience.

Located in South Asia, India is the seventh largest country in the world. It’s the world’s second most populated country and is the largest democracy. It has many different religious and ethnic groups. The most followed being Hinduism, which comprises of around 80% of the population followed by Islam 12%, Christianity 2% and then there are other religions such as Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

The country is known for its culture, customs and mannerisms which are very different from those in the west and, at first, might seem overwhelming to foreigners.

India is a rapidly developing country with ample job opportunities in several industries. This results in increased work opportunities not only for locals but also for expats.

Guide On How Do People Live In India | Writer Relocations

India’s expat community are in a wide range of professions such as teaching, marketing, sales etc. They are also artists, spiritualists, CEO’s and executives in international corporations.

As the opportunities to relocate to India are increasing, here is an informational guide to make your transition seamless and easy.

Types of Visas

Expats moving to India require an employment visa. The Indian visa application process usually takes around 6 weeks.

Guide On How Do People Live In India | Writer Relocations

There are mainly 3 types of visas – A tourist visa, employment visa and business visa. People may apply for one of them depending upon their purpose of visit.

Writer Relocations provides visa and immigration services for India along with many other countries across the globe. You can get in touch with us for further assistance.

Tourist Visa

Expats may apply for a tourist visa when they simply want to visit a friend or when planning a vacation. They are generally granted a six-month visa. Most foreign nationals can apply for their visa at a VFS Application Centre in their home country.

A few countries are also granted visa on arrival under “Tourist Visa on Arrival Scheme” started by India to promote tourism in the country.

Employment Visa

Foreign nationals may apply for an employment visa when they are hired to work for an Indian registered organization or when they’re transferred internally by a company to India. They are granted this visa only when they produce a proof of a job offer. They may also have to produce a proof of their professional qualification.

Business Visa

This visa is granted to those who wish to start a business in India. It’s generally issued for a period of six months.

Registering at FRRO

An expat has to register with Foreigners Regional Registration Office if their visa is valid for more than 180 days. This is one of the first things they need to do as they require to register within 2 weeks post their arrival. The documents expats will need to include are application forms, passport copies, passport-size photos, a copy of their visa, a letter of guarantee from an Indian host or sponsor, and proof of residence.

Climate in India

India is a vast country and the weather varies from region to region. However, there are 4 main seasons: Summer which lasts from March to May, Monsoon from June to October, Post-monsoon from October to November and Winters from November to February. Cities like New Delhi face an extreme climate of 40 to 45 degree celsius in summer whereas in winter the climate drops to below 10 degree Celsius. Cities like Mumbai face relatively less extreme climate but a very heavy rainfall.

Guide On How Do People Live In India | Writer Relocations


Languages spoken in India

Hindi is the most widely spoken language in India. About 30% of Indians nationwide speak Hindi. As India was a British colony English is one of the official languages here and is commonly spoken at work. There are more other regional languages spoken in different parts of India. Also, due to tourism shopkeepers, drivers also have started speaking English.

Cost of living

The cost of living varies from one city to another. Cities like New Delhi, Mumbai are much more expensive as compared to Bangalore and Kolkata. According to Mercer Cost of Living Survey Mumbai and New Delhi were ranked at 57 and 99 respectively, out of 209 cities studied which make them quite costly.

But Majorly expats have a good standard of living here, as they can afford servants and chauffeurs unlike in the west. Also, the cost of most things, including entertainment, education, housing, and food is lower than that in western countries.

Finding an Accommodation

Ideally, your employer should arrange your stay. But, if this isn’t the case then you have to look for a property agent who could help you find a house. Once you shortlist a property don’t forget to make a lease agreement with your landlord. They will often try to convince you to unofficially rent the property. But insist on a proper agreement as you’ll need them for future paperwork. Landlords may also ask for a security deposit, which could be of about two or three months’ rent. An Agent’s commission could be half a month’s rent.

Dealing with Taxation

Taxation in India depends on the residential status of a person. The residential status is determined completely on his or her physical presence in India regardless of the purpose of stay.

As per their stay in India during the financial year, Expats fall into three tax categories which will determine their taxable income.

Guide On How Do People Live In India | Writer Relocations

The three categories are

  • Resident and Ordinarily Resident (ROR)
  • Resident but Not Ordinarily Resident (RNOR)
  • Non-Resident (NR)

How to determine which category they fall into?

Rule 1

An Individual is a resident of India if he/she: Is in India for a period of 182 days or more, or within four years preceding that year has been in India for 365 days or more and is in India for a period of 60 days or more.

If the individuals stay does not satisfy the above requirements then they are considered as a non-resident. Alternatively, if by the above rule, individuals prove to be residents than they are further categorized as ROR or RNOR

To determine whether the individual is Resident and Ordinarily Resident (ROR) or Resident but Not Ordinary Resident (RNOR), we need to apply the following rule.

Rule 2

An Individual who is a Resident is a RNOR in India if he/she

Has been a NR in India for nine out of ten years preceding that year, or

Has been outside of India for 729 days or less during the seven previous years preceding that year.

Foreign nationals who work in India at a stretch are considered RNOR for the first two years and ROR from the third year and will be taxed in India on their worldwide income.

Also, depending on whether they fall into RNOR, ROR, NR category accordingly their portion of income is taxed.

Job Opportunities

India is one of the largest economies in the world. Especially the IT sector in India is a fast-growing industry, creating a lot of job opportunities. Even though thousands of students graduate every year, there is still a lot of requirement of skilled professionals in booming sectors like biotechnology, pharmaceuticals research, manufacturing, aeronautics and consumer electronics. This gives expats the opportunity to work in India. On the other hand, foreign companies are outsourcing work to India creating senior level opportunities for expats.

Healthcare Facilities

Due to change in climate, expats tend to fall sick more often. They are suggested to always carry their own drinking water, as having water outside can lead to an upset stomach or fever. They should also be careful with eating out. Indian food is very spicy and oily compared to most other cuisines. Foreigners might take some time adjusting to this, and the sudden change in taste of food might result in falling sick more often.

Public hospitals in India are slowly, but rapidly developing. Private hospitals, too, have grown in the last few years.

Travelling and Transportation

Finding public transport in India is not really an issue. People mostly use taxis, auto rickshaws, public buses and local trains as their mode of transport in cities. Introduction of metro trains and radio taxis in most major cities has made travelling a lot more convenient and simpler these days.

With increasing job opportunities, authorities are constantly looking for better ways to develop and thus make lives simpler for locals as well as expats.

About Writer Relocations

Writer Relocations started as a Mumbai-based packing and moving company in 1953. 60+ years later, we’re India’s premier moving company handling all types of moves – India MovingInternational MovingVIP MovingOrientation ServicesFine Art MovingOffice MovesHospitality LogisticsCommercial Moving.

Trusted by over 5 million people, you can rest assured that moving with Writer Relocations will always be a stress-free experience.

Are you planning to move to India? Get a FREE moving quote from Writer Relocations now. Or call us @022-334-91787.

You may also want to check out the Case Studies on International Relocation, along with the FAQs, and Moving Tools & Tips that we have put together for the best moving and packing experience.

Have you ever visited India? Are you an expat already living in India? What is it that you like the most about life in this country? Do share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Fun Things To Do In Mumbai
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Fun Things To Do In Mumbai

Are you someone who has grown up dreaming about living in America when you grow up?

America is known as the land of opportunities. Every year, several people move to America to make their dreams come true.

Are you moving to North America? Moving there for your dream job? Or moving there to explore new opportunities?

Whatever the reason, shifting to a new country is a major step in your life. To ensure a stress-free move, you need a lot of planning and preparation. To make sure you settle down in the new country without much fuss, you need to learn about the country you are moving to.

Expert international movers at Writer Relocations can help you have a stress-free move. Learn more about our international home shifting services here.

The most popular countries in North America that people move to are USA, Canada or Mexico. We’ve put together destination guides for each of these countries, to help you settle down easily.

1. Moving to USA?

The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world. It is also the third most populated country in the world globally.

USA is a country of immigrants and the land of hope and opportunities. Every year, a lot of people from all parts of the world move to the US in hopes of making a better life for themselves and their families.

Are you moving to the United States of America, too? Here’s a detailed destination guide on moving to North America to help you settle down in USA easily.

2. Shifting to Canada?

Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is a multi-cultural society and emphasizes on equality. Canada supports immigrants and has many policies that make their transition into Canadian citizens very easy.

Canada has the highest number of Indian immigrants in the world.

Are you planning to move to Canada? Moving there for a new job? Do read this detailed destination guide to know about the country before moving to Canada.

3. Relocating to Mexico?

Due to its close proximity to USA, a lot of people migrate to Mexico every year. The cost of living in Mexico is around 30% – 50% lower than that in USA. Mexico has one of the strongest economies in North America.

Learn more about the country in this detailed destination guide about the life of expats before moving to Mexico.

Shifting home internationally isn’t only about the move. We understand that there are several other things to worry about.

How will you find a home in the new city? How will you manage your finances? Where will the children go to school? How will you adjust to life in a country you know little about?

Our area orientation services for international move have been designed to minimize disruption when you move home to another country.

Writer Relocations is one of India’s oldest and most trusted moving company. We’ve moved 500,000 people just like you to 190 nations. Having spent 63 years in the moving business, you can be sure to have a stress-free and damage-free move when you hire Writer Relocations for your home move. We specialise in international home movesoffice shiftingfine art moving and commercial relocation.

Are you moving to USA, Canada or Mexico? Hire Writer Relocations for a stress-free and damage-free move. Get your FREE home moving quote to experience the Gold Standard in moving.

Know someone who is moving to a country in North America, soon? Share this article with them on social media. Or email this article to them.

Have you moved to USA, Canada or Mexico, recently? How was the experience? Are you planning to move soon? What are your biggest concerns and worries? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. We’d be happy to know your thought and solve your worries.