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7 Ways to Stay Healthy and Prepare for Your Relocation

Moving to a new home is one of the most stressful events a person can experience in their life. So if you are moving soon, keeping stress in check and staying healthy is a must.

Moving involves planning and completing several different tasks, making it challenging to effectively concentrate on anything else. Staying safe, calm, focused, and healthy when preparing for expat relocation is critically essential in pulling off a hassle-free, successful move. Thankfully, there are proven ways to keep your health at an optimum level.

From visiting your physician to employing simple relocation strategies, here are seven ways to maintain good health while preparing for your move.

1. See your doctor

Before anything else, visit your physician for a wellness check-up.

Getting a baseline health assessment will ensure that you are both mentally and physically prepared for the move and that you are able to secure the latest health records you can share with your new doctor.

If you are struggling with vitamin deficiencies like low B12 or iron, your physician can give expert tips for remaining healthy while adjusting to your new lifestyle. You may also be prescribed medication, depending on your current condition, to help boost your health.

You may also be referred to a travel medicine specialist who can provide you with the latest update on required vaccines and disease prevention tips you will need in your new home country.

If you are taking prescription medications, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about preparing a larger-than-usual supply so you will have enough stock days or weeks after arrival, if possible. Don’t forget to ask your physician if they can recommend a trusted clinic or health practitioner in your new home.

2. Eat nutritious meals

Healthy eating is another crucial habit to include in your health agenda so you can have the emotional stamina and physical strength to survive the relocation process.

Here are some tips for eating healthy:

  • Develop a meal plan – Create a meal plan based on your specific needs and decide what you should have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner until you arrive at your new home.
  • Add in healthy snacks, such as whole-grain crackers, nuts, and fruits. Keep them within reach so you have something to munch on when your energy level begins to drop.
  • Don’t skip meals.
  • Avoid junk food.

3. Stay hydrated

Mild to moderate dehydration can cause unpleasant side effects, such as headaches, dry mouth, and increased thirst. You don’t want to experience any of these symptoms as these could ruin your pre-move schedule.

Thus, keep your drinking water close by and drink as often as you can. You can also drink tea, but preferably without sugar, to quench your thirst.

Avoid carbonated drinks because they contain plenty of sugar that can result in sugar crashes and energy declines. Consuming high doses of carbohydrates can leave you even thirstier.

4. Get enough sleep

Getting proper sleep when preparing for a move is easier said than done. Most people tend to sacrifice sleeping hours to get more things done on their moving to-do lists. This could work for a day, but not getting enough sleep for several nights can cause negative side effects.

So don’t make it a habit to give up hours of good sleep, as this can cause you to feel sluggish, exhausted, and unproductive in the next couple of days. Get at least seven hours of good sleep.

Generally, here are ways to get enough survival sleep:

  • Start your moving preparations early
  • Create a moving checklist
  • Ask for help from family and friends

5. Pack your possessions in a healthy manner

Packing is among the most dreaded relocation tasks as it may feel like it takes forever to get it done. It also requires maximum effort and money to buy all kinds of packing materials.

The key is to deal with your home packing task through an efficient and stress-free process. Here’s how to do it:

  • Begin with the packing as soon as your relocation is confirmed.
  • Create and follow a packing timeline to minimise or eliminate downtime or wasted time.
  • Get rid of all unnecessary or unwanted items.
  • Start packing the larger and most demanding rooms like kitchen and storage areas, and work your way toward those that are more straightforward to pack up.
  • Break up the packing process into manageable mini-tasks.
  • Have frequent breaks to avoid exertion, and to re-energise and catch your breath.

6. Stay safe and free from injuries

Staying healthy when preparing for a move also means avoiding getting injured throughout the moving process.

A house move involves demanding and strenuous activities, including carrying, lifting, and loading heavy and large appliances, furnishings, and other bulky household items.

Here’s how to stay injury-free:

  • Use proper lifting techniques, such as keeping your back straight, bending your knees and not your back, keeping heavy items close to your waist, and getting a good grip on things that must be moved or lifted.
  • Clear the pathways by removing obstacles that may endanger your safety. Keep them free of mud and dust, too.
  • Be mindful of what you wear. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes to ensure enough freedom of movement. Also, wear protective clothing like gloves when necessary.
  • Use proper lifting and moving equipment, such as a furniture dolly and sliders.

7. Hire expert packers and movers

The key to staying healthy and injury-free when moving house is to let professional packers and movers handle most of the difficult tasks. This can also help minimise any moving-related stress.

Home relocation can cause dangers and risks for you, especially when it involves plenty of healthy and bulky household items. An erroneous move can result in property damage, while one wrong step can lead to injuries. And when moving for the first time, your health and safety can be at higher risk.

Do yourself a favour and hire relocation service providers who have the proper knowledge, skills, and tools to guarantee efficiency and safety before, during, and after your move. They can even provide you with expert tips for moving and reliable packing supplies to protect your things while in transit.

Staying physically and emotionally healthy when preparing for your move is of utmost importance. Don’t sacrifice your well-being in an attempt to prove to yourself that you are tough, strong and capable. Instead, see a doctor, eat and sleep well, and stay hydrated and injury-free. Most importantly, be smart and invest in professional relocation services.