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Moving home internationally is a huge step. If you have a pet, it is obvious that you will take your pet along.

Did you know, when moving to a new country, you pet is likely to face culture shock too?

Just like humans, animals also take some time getting used to the new place. It is especially difficult if you are moving to a country in a different time zone.

How can you make sure your pet doesn’t get restless and settles in easily?

Related Blog: 10 important tips for moving abroad with pets.

Here are 3 things ever pet owner who has recently moved to a new country must know

1. Your pet experiences jet lag too

Just like humans, pets take a while adjusting to the new time zone, too. For the first few weeks, be prepared for unusual bathroom schedules. Your pets body clock might still be in sync with the time zone you’ve moved from.

They might also get hungry and sleep at odd hours. This usually lasts for a week and isn’t anything to worry about.

2. They miss the food and water from back home

When packing, don’t forget to keep some extra packets of your pet’s favorite food. Just like humans, pets also have favorite foods. You’d obviously know what your pet’s favorite food is.

If your pet isn’t feeling too good at the new home, you can feed them with food they love.

3. Your pet is just as homesick as you are

Pets take time adjusting to new surroundings. They miss the smell of home. This is especially true for cats.

Dogs take some time familiarizing themselves with the neighborhood. So many unfamiliar sounds, objects and smells in the surroundings make them anxious and restless. It is because of this change in their surroundings that they get tired and exhausted very soon.

Moving home changes your life and routine in many ways. This is especially true if you are moving to a new country.

Your pet might be anxious, annoyed or looked too upset. It’s important to not leave them alone or be too hard on them at this time. Just like humans, the new surrounding is overwhelming for them, too.

Since dogs are majorly dependent on their owners, you’ll see that the sooner you get comfortable in your new home, the easier it will be for them.

Moving to India with your pets? Unsure about how your pet will adjust to life in a foreign country?

India is a pet-friendly country with most housing societies and many hotels being open to having pets over.

To make the choice simpler for you, we’ve put together an Infographic about the 10 most pet-friendly cities in India.

If you’re moving to India with your cat, here are some tips to make sure you and your cat have a stress-free move.

Writer Relocations is one of India’s oldest and most trusted moving company. We specialize in international moves, local relocations, pet relocations, office shifting, commercial moves and fine art relocations.

Whether you’re moving abroad for work, or returning back to your home-town, taking your pet along isn’t a problem. For 63 years, Writer Relocations has been helping people move safely and without stress.That simply means that with our move planning, specialty moving services, and packing acumen, you are assured fuss-free moves.

You and your pet deserves the experience and expertise of professional International Movers. Why settle for less? Speak to an International moving expert from Writer Relocations or call us @ 022-334-91787.

Do you have any doubts regarding pet relocations? Have you ever moved overseas with your pet? Do share your thoughts with us in the comments below.