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Moving to a new place is exciting. Whether you are moving to a new country for a job or moving locally with your family, moving requires a lot of planning and preparation.

To make sure you do not stress yourself unnecessarily, here are 10 simple tips you can follow

Pre move

The success of your move solely depends on how you pre-plan it. It requires careful attention to details and flawless organization. These pre moving tips which will help you understand what you need to do before the move.

1. Research and be prepared

If you’re moving long distance, doing your research about the area is a must. It’s always better to be prepared as you’re gonna start living there. Start by looking for restaurants, malls, schools, cafes, local stores etc.

2. Plan everything ahead of the move

Have lists of what needs to be done and when. Start planning your move at least 8 weeks in advance so that you can comfortably finish all the work and there is nothing left to be done last minute which is very stressful.

3. Get rid of unnecessary items

Getting rid of unnecessary items will save you a lot of effort. It’ll help you be more organized. It’ll also help you avoid unnecessary packing and unpacking.

4. Protect your valuables

You should be careful about losing expensive valuables like jewelry or passport. Moving is a chaotic time where losing small items is very common so you should keep all the valuables in a well-guarded location.

5. Ask for help

As there’s tons of work to be done before, during and after the move it’s very easy to get overwhelmed. In such times do not hesitate to call professional movers for help. You could also ask your friends and family to help you with packing. This will surely relieve you of some stress.

Post move

To curb your worries after you move to the new place here are some tips which might help you settle in with minimum fuss.

6. Get to know your neighbors

Moving to a new place can be overwhelming. Go and meet your neighbors. Introduce yourself. Tell them what you do. This will help you integrate well with the environment. Your neighbors, again, can help you with a lot of things.

7. Push yourself to meet new people

Try and join community clubs, teams etc. Volunteer to do some work for them. This will give you a chance to mingle with people.

8. Fix new routines

As everything around you has changed, your routine is also bound to change. Try to fix a new one. Suppose your route to work is longer now than you can change your workout time to evening.

9. Focus on the positives

At the start, it might get a little frustrating to settle down. Especially if you are moving to a foreign country, dealing with the culture shock can be quite difficult. But remember the reasons why you shifted in the first place. Keep a positive attitude and look forward to meeting people, joining activities etc. Embrace the change.

10. Look after yourself

During moving people often neglect their own health. This is not at all advisable. Do take enough sleep and eat well. Also, try and take an occasional break by going for a walk, meeting a friend etc.

Although these tips will help you reduce the stress of moving, you’ll have to go through some of it. There will be times when you’ll panic have mood swings, have an accelerated heartbeat but don’t worry all this is normal, you just have to wait for some time to pass by.

Choose Writer Relocations for stress-free moving

For 63 years, Writer Relocations has been helping all types of moves safely and without stress. Our services include International Moving, India Moving, VIP MovingOrientation ServicesFine Art MovingOffice MovesHospitality LogisticsCommercial Moves etc. That simply means that with our move planning, specialty moving services, and packing acumen, you are assured fuss-free moves.

Speak to a moving expert from Writer Relocations today @022-334-91787 or contact us here. Get your free moving quote here.

Have you ever been through such a stressful time while moving? Have we missed out on something which you think should be a part of this article? Do let us know in the comments below.